Posts in the “TREASURE” category
O Mais Ko Aprilis
by angeliska on April 9, 2007
all I want is to be writing and it goes something like… once that wish did land-like a star in my hand- it burned and it burned and it burrowed in- soar through the source searching- hammer and ping-and tapped (…)
Tiempo de la abeja y la flor
by angeliska on March 26, 2007
Mallow (Lavatera trimestis) Here is the blossoming, blooms and bees burgeoning. Tendrils unfurl, new shoots green and tender saplings sway shyly awkward, maidenly and raw-boned bark- a translucent film slides away to reveal young leaves bosky and budding. We had (…)
Birthdee Wishes Come True
by angeliska on January 22, 2007
Woefully, shamefully behind am I in recounting my days- and most other tasks to be honest, me duckies.. The recent ice storm set me back, though it seems I would’ve used the time wisely, mostly I just huddled around the (…)
Sea-opals and tatters-all
by angeliska on December 17, 2006
Hello from the vine-tangled fallow fields, fanciful friends! No winter’s bluster to speak of hereabouts, I’m afraid- as our overwarmly revolving nugget of a planet is rapidly becoming uncomfortably hot under the collar.. In Texas today, we wore short sleeves (…)
by angeliska on May 27, 2006
It is all coming together in myriad ways I never imagined.. Now the real work begins- backbreaking at times, but it feels amazing to be working on a home I can truly call my own, our own! It is terrifying (…)
The Bee's Knees
by angeliska on May 11, 2006
It feels like it has been forever and a day but you look up from the heap of tasks and suddenly the trees are wreathed in thick vines and spring has tangled her pale green fingers in the hem of (…)