BEE-LOG : Feuilleton

Ah, the bee-log!
As I find the popular term for this sort of thing unspeakably vulgar,
and as I am an aspiring apiarist- bee-log is the only description that will do.
I am much indebted to Miss L.E. Lake‘s papa
and to Miss Tamera Ferro
for their help in making this all happen.
Here is another description that fits:
Feuilleton is the genre that allows for much freedom as far as its content,
composition and style are concerned; the text is hybrid which means that it makes
use of different genre structures, both journalistic and literary ones.
The characteristic of a column is also the lack of the group of fixed features
being in strong structural relation. The thematic domain is one of the three basic
and essential elements of a speech genre “column”.
This component, along with its composition and stylistics,
constitutes a speech genre according to the speech genre theory by Bakhtin.
Thematic domain of a column tends to be always up-to-date,
focusing specifically on culture matters and social and moral issues.
An accented and active role of a columnist as the subject of the narration
is also very important characteristic of this genre.
The tone a column is written in is usually reflexive,
humorous, ironic and above all very subjective
in drawing conclusions, assessments
and comments on a particular subject.
In its composition a column uses very often digressive bonds
with other parts and components of the text proper.
Except for the use of numerous associations,
there can be different types of fable-like compositions,
logical- discursive and dramatic ones found
in the internal structure of a column.
The style of this kind of publication, contrary to the style
of most journalistic publications, is very close to literary.
Its characteristic feature is lightness and wit,
that is shown by play on words, parody,
paradox and humorous hyperboles.
The vocabulary that is usually used is not neutral,
and strongly emotionally loaded words and phrases prevail.

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