Pomegranate Star Ritual for The Winter Solstice

by angeliska on December 21, 2013

My heart-sister and friend Brenda Francis has generously revealed the secrets of her sacred pomegranate star ritual for all those who desire to honor the Pumica grantatum’s skin as ornament. They are really special, and look beautiful dried and garlanding your parlor or tannenbaum. Today is the Solstice, and when night falls, we will be together in the darkness, lighting candles, lighting the fire, lighting the way. May your darkest night find a bright source of warmth, a sparkle and a glimmer in your heart of hearts.
Mlle. Brenda Saint Francis herself, Court Astrologer.
About the pomegranate I must say nothing,” whispered the traveller Pausanias in the 2nd century, “for its story is somewhat of a holy mystery.”

1. Put on an apron because pomegranates splatter red droplets on your dress.

2. Put on pretty pretty music. I went with Laura Marling. She is young, but she was born on Imbolc.

3. Choose a knife. This is a ritual.
4. Assume the space of clear intent. This is a ritual. Banish the circle, or at least spray some lavender water on your face.

5. Make the first incision, cutting the first petal of the star toward the center.

6. Make 4 or 5 or 6 more cuts, depending on how many points your star has. 7 sided stars can get tricky and thin-armed.

7. Empty the seeds into a bowl, carefully cut the white away. Maitain the integrity of your star. Don’t let any of its arms flop off.

Note::These are sacramental fare or altar offering or party food or breakfast (Fruit Salad Of Light recipe following)

Fruit Salad Of Light: 7 bananas, thirded and sliced. Eggs of dragon. Pomegranate seed. Vanilla extract. Salt for that salty flavor. A gopping heapful of coconut butter (not oil, butter or manna as it is called). Stir with restrained passion. Do not add maraschino cherries. Ever. Spoon with the family crest.

8. Don’t eat any pomegranate seeds while you do this operation! You might get stuck with a old man Hades…If you start to, spit them out back into the bowl and cross yourself, or say fuck it, that myth does not apply to me.

9. Trim the edges neat. When you are done, wash the stickiness off your star and pat it dry gently with a tea towel. Run a red thread through one arm of the star, the one that looks like the top. Add beads to the thread if desired.

You can do this ritual tonight if you like, or anytime between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Or anytime, really. But this is when the pomegranates are naturally ripest. Tonight, whatever you do, light a candle. Light a fire. Be warm, and remember that the light is in you. You live!

Have you been feeling sad? Bone-tired and soul exhausted, like you might like to just sleep until Spring? Me too. Go read these things:
Winter Solstice: 21 Alchemical Reflections from Carl Jung to Pema Chödrön.
December 18, 2013 Pele Report, Astrology Forecast
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn: Heart Shaped Box
I like listening to Finnish folk music all year round, but it’s especially perfect in this season, and for the Solstice. Here are some of Brenda’s current favorite selections:

Tallari – Sydämestäni rakastan

Karelian Folk Music Ensemble “Tui Tui Tuomen Kukka”

Finnish Folk Song, MeNaiset – Kuulin aanen (I Heard the Voice)

Karoliina Kantelinen “Ellös huolta huomisesta”

Karoliina Kantelinen “Soittelen soutusalmen suorimaista”

Vallåtar från gammelboning (Swedish kulning)
Happy Winter Solstice!
Related posts:
Winter Solstice – Messe de Minuit 
Winter Solstice – Dark Season

One comment

“Maintain the integrity of your star. Don’t let any of its arms flop off.”
True in ritual, true in life.

by Ian Wood on December 21, 2013 at 11:47 am. Reply #

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