Krewe of Eris – Lux et Voluptas

by angeliska on March 1, 2011

Last year, the annual Krewe of Eris Parade fell on Valentine’s Day, making for a mighty romantic
and randy procession. The official theme was Lux et Voluptas, or Light & Pleasure – but I think most
of us couldn’t help getting a little crazy with the love + hearts. I mean, when else do you get to parade
for such an occasion? Our mini-krewe within a krewe took the maxim All’s Fair in Love and War as our
inspiration and Love is a Battlefield as our anthem. We wore armor and battle-gear in shades of blood-red,
white and incarnadine, brassy helmets and bows with glittered heart-tipped arrows. Zing! Our beautiful
procession wended its way through the French Quarter, and had nearly reached the terminus, when an
evil wind blew up and brought a nasty torrential downpour with it! Having never actually had rain on my
parade, I can say that it was a stone cold bummer, especially because it made the post-parade festivities
rather more difficult. Not only that, but we had a whole box of juicy ribs we’d hoped to gnaw on later, but
in the flurry to find shelter, they got left in our float, which was also abandoned somewhere along the road.
I’ve got my fingers crossed that we have no such inclement weather for this year’s fiesta! Knock wood!

There are no rules! The Strauses + Mlle. Alisan tearing it up on Royal St.

Eris and her golden apple of discord.

Lining up the troops for battle

Guarding the float, and preparing for war.

The seadragon puppet was unbelievably lovely and ethereal.


My valentine.

Francesca was a very sassy cupid!

All kinds of naughtiness and deviltry took place in the streets and gutters!

Alix Hotpants!


Be mine?

Right before the rain, reveling with the ladies!

Dangerous Frannie!

A wee cupid riding on the float – beware! His darts are tipped in heady poison!

krewe of eris 2010 (1) from k.b. on Vimeo.

krewe of eris 2010 (2) from k.b. on Vimeo.

krewe of eris 2010 (3) from k.b. on Vimeo.

These videos from my beloved Oola give the best idea of what the parade is like (on a bar break!)

You can see some of our cupcake krewe from 2009 at the beginning of the video.
Krewe of Eris 2009 – The Feast of the Appetites!
Krewe of Eris 2008 – Release The Swarm

One comment

Oh enchantment and colors and bloodglow love! Does Frannie have a website or blog? She is swooningly devastating.

by Lena on March 1, 2011 at 9:04 pm. Reply #

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