Magic Windows #20

by angeliska on November 29, 2010

More Magic Windows photos from my New Orleans adventures:
halloween shotgun
This house was decorated so wonderfully for Hallowe’en + Dia de los Muertos,
I had to stop and gawp at it for a bit. I wonder who lives there? I like them already.
hubig's pie
A view from the back of Rusty Lazer’s trusty minivan, on the morning we left
New Orleans: my bike was secured by ropes, my bed was an amazing vintage
Peter Max quilt, my breakfast – a delicious Hubig’s pie. The factory is a street
over from my old house, and I miss standing on my balcony and breathing in
the sweet aroma of juicy fruit-filled fried pies being baked in the morning. Hu-dat!
This is my new boyfriend, Orestes. He and his sister Electra belong to Pandora,
and they are super high-fashion designer glam movie-star cats. They’re famous.
ship in a bottle
Miss Pea’s kitchen is a minature ocean, sailing high above the rooftops.
red ribbons
Her red-ribboned leather shoes share space with bottles found in her excavations.
flying fish
Flying fish made from sequins.
kitchen ocean
You can sing sea-shanties while you do the dishes and swab the decks.
rabbit lace
Rabbit lace! Do you swoon? I swoon.
bunny teaparty
I was invited to a miniature tea-party hosted by velour-flocked rabbits, but all they
served me were anise pastilles, arsenic and dust. I had a pastille. Wouldn’t you?



by suzanne meow meow on November 30, 2010 at 12:24 am. Reply #

Yes, re: the rabbit lace – there was swoonage! Also, that sequined fish is excellent. Miss Pea for sure knows what’s what!

by mlle ghoul on November 30, 2010 at 5:27 am. Reply #

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