Magic Windows #17

by angeliska on August 24, 2010

The other night, we were invited to dinner at our dear friend Annie’s house.
Annie is an extremely sweet lady, talented artist, and very good cook:
she made us squash and asparagus with pine nuts, polenta and venison
sausage from a deer her friend hunted and processed. It was very delicious,
and I would have taken a picture of it – but I’m afraid I gobbled it up far too
fast for that to happen! Instead I wandered around her tiny little abode,
and took pictures of her treasures. Her house is elf-sized, and filled with
dolls, dead-things and books. It is very peaceful and kept very tidy, with
meticulously organized and labeled boxes on shelves for art supplies
that make me very happy (and envious/inspired!). I have a dozen old
tins crammed with all sorts of flotsam in stacks on my floor instead, and
it’s hell to find an eraser, or sharpener when you need one. I lived for
many years in a one-room house, and living in an itty-bitty space really
does force you to be more organized and picky about what you choose
to keep. I’ve been getting rid of loads of clothes and things lately, and it
feels great. More to come! I’m going to sell some real treasures from my
wardrobe soon – if you’re a lady with a size 8-8.5 foot, you’re going to be
very happy, because I’ve got tons of shoes and boots that I must part with!
Etsy or Ebay though? I just can’t decide. Thoughts and opinions are welcome!
This is Annie. Isn’t she adorable? I love her a lot.
She is wearing a Metallica shirt and is covered in bees. This makes me love her even more.
Annie's Haus
A golden eagle, little puppet, and globe lamps.
Annie's Haus
I love this antler lady sculpture. I’m not sure who made it, though! An etsy-seller, I believe.
Annie's Dolls
Doll-babies and a skeleton hand that I’ve seen Annie wear on her head as a fascinator.
Annie's Dolls
More tinies.
Annie's Headdress
I am very covetous of this Balinese headdress that Annie found at the bins for a buck and quarter!
(If you are not a fan of North America’s only marsupial, please do not look at the last photo!)
Annie's Hat
This is the famous Halloween hat that I adore. I wish she’d wear it all the time.
See also:
Feral Honey
Nectarine Dream


Oh la la ! You must found out who made this magical antlers sculpture ! So divine !
Your friend seem to have gorgeous taste and she looks so pretty ! But deer hunting ? oh no :'(
As for your shoes I’d say Etsy, I think it’s less expensive to list there …
x x x

by mathyld ▲under the pyramids▲ on August 24, 2010 at 1:16 pm. Reply #

I have flotsam placed haphazardly hither and thither on raised surfaces all around my home. Every once in a while I do a whirlwind cleaning, but it isn’t long before surfaces are again covered with ephemera. Alas! I need some fancy ways to organize my things.
My feet fit shoes from 7.5 to 8.5, depending. I’d like to have a gander at your offerings. I wouldn’t know if eBay or Etsy would be best, so no suggestions there.
Look what I found! I thought the antler girl looked familiar. The artist also sells prints of the little faun lady.

by April Violet on August 24, 2010 at 9:30 pm. Reply #

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