Blue Moon

by angeliska on December 30, 2009

Here we go, darlings – on the precipice of a new year,
and just nearly ready to dry our sticky wings on the
other side of the future! 2010, for real? I mean,
doesn’t it seem slightly preposterous, as if we
ought to be living in some science fiction reality?
Where’s my flying car? I still don’t have a jet-pack,
either! Oh well, I’m headed for the woods anyhow –
leaving for my ancestral hills to celebrate in my
favorite way: around a bonfire, with my dearest
all around and the bright stars burning overhead.
This year, we shall experience not only a full moon,
but a blue moon and a lunar eclipse! The eclipse
won’t be visible, (unless you’re in India, I think!)
but it should make for a very intense night!
I for one, am even more glad than usual to be
away from the city and the furor and desperation
of the crowds of revelers. My batteries are in
need of a major recharge, and the only thing
that will do the trick is a visit to the ancient
granite grounds that my family has dwelled
on since the 1800’s. It’s where my heart lives.
(Photograph by @nt!x)
I can’t wait to re-inhabit our tipi-yurt-lavvu-thing!
I’m still hankering for a proper one,
but they’re quite pricey – oh, one day…
(Photograph by Oregon State University Archives)
Okay, just a heads up – this eclipse is pretty gnarly!
(Photograph by Richocam)
“The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 31st, 2009
occurs at 10°15′ Cancer, in conjunction with the Fixed Star Alhena,
a star which is reputed to be favourable for hunting, besieging towns,
and the revenge of princes! It would be wise to avoid travel at this time,
if you can. Known as “the wound in the tendon of Achilles”
it destroys fruits and harvests. Cancer is an emotional sign,
ruled by the Moon, so since neither the Sun nor the Moon
form any promising aspects on this day, expect quite an emotional,
even teary New Year’s Eve. Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn,
and Mars is also retrograde in Leo, so issues and attractions
from the past will demand to be dealt with under this eclipse.
Breakdowns in communication will spark the issue.
Since at the moment of the eclipse, Warrior Mars
(action; passion; violence; accidents) is rising exactly
on the degree and minute of the ascendant,
tightly opposing the Part of Fortune (within 4 minutes of arc),
the chances of a blood-stained celebration are high.”

Rob Tillett
Um, whoa. Yikes much?
For further reading, I suggest you
check out what Heather Burdette
has to say – it’s a little more calming!
(Photograph by Carlos Lisboa)
Regardless of celestial influence, I truly hope that
everyone has a marvelous turning of the year!
There are so many things I want to accomplish
this year, so much ground I want to cover –
it’s a little overwhelming to contemplate!
I’m starting slowly and quietly, cleaning
and sweeping my house to make it ready for
the approval of the Blanchette, and lighting
candles and making wishes that this year
I can achieve my goals – no more Procrastination
Station, please!
“You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings!”
I read this somewhere recently, and it made a big impression on me.
(So much so, that I can’t recall where I read it? Eesh.)
I think that this will be my motto for the year,
in hopes that I will be reminded to take the reins
for myself and stop waiting around for divine
intervention to crown me empress of my life.
Drive your own chariot to the moon.
Now or never!
(Photographer unknown to me!)
“Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand –
and melting like a snowflake…”
– Francis Bacon, Sr.

Here’s a little happy/sad number called Days With You
from fine fellows Jason Webley with Sxip Shirey.
Watch out – it is extremely catchy!
Hopefully you can remember the words
and sing it tipsily with your best friends, eh?
More reading material from days of yore:
Lone Grove New Year – 2009
Pink Moons
The New Year – 2008
Lucky Stars and Garters – 2007
La Nouvelle Année – 2006


Lost my 1st post (how very Merc-Retro).
Love the song – just the right kind of bittersweet.
Love the Heather Burdette catchphrase (“You’re not crazy-it’s planetary!”)- I’ve been doing the crazy dance for at least 10 days & I’m ready to evolve.
Love your yurt. (I couldn’t get my family or friends w/in 20 yards of such a thing, sadly.)
Love The Blanchette – but might she take a raincheck, do you think? My apt. is filled with boxes for packing & I don’t think it’s getting much neater by tomorrow eve (maybe I can get points for effort?)
Happiest of New Years to you.

by OdetteO on December 30, 2009 at 9:33 pm. Reply #

i’m so glad you made a bee-log, angel!
it is a little spot of magic, wonder & home-feelings
in the internets!
happy new year, beautiful girl!

by selene gibbous on December 31, 2009 at 12:13 am. Reply #

I truly love your blog. I am so happy that I stumbled across it this year. So full of magic and pixie dust that I squee everytime I see a post pop up in my reader.
I hope you have a Happy New Year and recharge by the bonfire!
flutterby3 (Shana)

by flutterby3 on December 31, 2009 at 7:37 am. Reply #

Happy New Year!

by Gabriel on December 31, 2009 at 9:12 am. Reply #

happy new year angel! i wish i could be in the woods too.

by jenene on December 31, 2009 at 9:28 am. Reply #

Blessed New Year to you! That looks amazing. What a great tradition. I can’t even imagine camping here New Year’s (super sub-zero weather!).
Taking that motto to heart. Thanks.

by Selene on December 31, 2009 at 12:24 pm. Reply #

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