Huexoloti Honey

by angeliska on November 26, 2009

(Photo by Red-Star)
Turkeys are such strange birds. Ugly-beautiful,
and regal-ridiculous. Have you ever seen one flying wild?
It’s like a giant feathered cannonball shot through the woods.
Hilarious and shocking. We saw wild turkeys in Osyka Springs,
Mississippi when we used to go camping there. They are huge!
I feel bad about it, but I’m going to eat one today. Sorry Mr. Turkey!
“In the end, it seems that only the English dispensed completely
with both the American and the Indian origins of the huexoloti.
English importers dealt with the same Turkish merchants who
exported the huexoloti to Russia, to Iran, to Poland,
to The Netherlands, to Sweden, and even to India.
But the English, being English, did not need all of the pedigree
words that came along with the bird. They could not be bothered
with all of that linguistic falderal. The birds came from Turkish merchants—
“135 of the creatures bought at 4 shillings a piece” in 1555—
and, to describe what they were in his ledger,
the English importer created a new English word—“Turkies” (OED).
And, once again, the elastic vacuum cleaner that is the English language
got a new word and the huexoloti got a new and permanent name—
at least for the English speaking world.”

–“Our Turkish-American Thanksgiving Bird,”
by Larry E. Tise, History News Network

I found this, and many other fascinating Thanksgiving tidbits
from Harper’s links page
. For hexmas, I plan on renewing my
Harper’s Weekly subscription
. I hate the paper waste of magazines,
but I’m addicted. I read them in the bath. I have a subscription to
Interview magazine, Lucky (which was free, and accidental),
and Mother Earth News (that one is actually Colin’s, but I do
read it sometimes). Oh yes, and Cabinet Magazine, which is
my most favorite! On my subscription wishlist?
The Believer and Lula. Do you subscribe to any periodicals?
Today, I am thankful for Neko Case (among many other things,
which I shall enumerate below)
. She came in to Uncommon Objects
a few times this week, and totally made my day by putting us
on the guestlist for her sold-out benefit show at Antone’s.
It was my first excursion since the surgery, and it was so
great to be able to sit down and see the show from the lofty
vantage point of the nice VIP area the have up there.
I don’t think I could’ve managed being squashed in that crowd!
I’ve been super dizzy and queasy still, so I’ve been taking it
pretty slow. I’m still cursing myself for missing Larkin Grimm,
Final Fantasy and The Mountain Goats play there last week-
especially knowing now that I could’ve seen the show from
a comfortable perch! Alas, I was beat and in no condition
to be in public anyway. Soon, I hope to be fully restored
to my former powers! I’ve been getting some acupuncture,
and eating lots of magical porridges
. Heal, body, heal!
The show was amazing, and Neko is so sweet and
down-to-earth. If you’re not familiar with her music, I suggest
you get to steppin’ and buy her last two albums to start out with.
I enjoyed watching these mini-documentaries her label made
to accompany those releases, do take a peek:
Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
Middle Cyclone
I’m not completely certain, but I reckon that this bit of loveliness
is from the inimitable Miss Alison Scarpulla. True or false?
(Thanksgiving, by John Currin)

I’ve been doing a lot of meditation on gratitude lately,
and really trying to absorb the immensity of richness
in my life, and find a way to properly express my thanks
for all that I have been given. Recently, I’ve been totally
overwhelmed by the response of so many kind souls
who have offered help, food, company, wishes and love
to me during this ordeal. It has been truly humbling,
and I can only hope to be worthy of that love.
I’m working on making my thanks known
(very slowly, alas!) and finding ways to
pay that love forward on to others. Many lessons
learned lately! I am so incredibly thankful for
my amazing friends and family, for my crazy little
abode, for my sweet animal companions, for my
wonderful workplace and all those in it, for good
weather, my full belly, my warm bed, and the
sweet person I share it with most especially.
I try to never forget for an instant how damn lucky I am.
Thank you to anyone who is reading this right now,
for taking the time to be a part of my life.
I am wishing that your holiday is warm and
full of magic, and that you may be extra lucky too.
(Photo by Marie Edwards)
Let’s all go roll off the roof into giant piles of leaves!
Okay, not really. At least some leaf-pile stomping should
commence today, however. It’s just barely fall, here!
The leaves are drifting down, leaving the trees naked
and bereft of their susurrations. Maybe I’ll actually
get to wear a sweater or a coat soon, eh? Bizarre.

For your viewing pleasure, from The Masters of Russian Animation,
Alexander Petrov’s Rusalka. It’s painted on glass, I believe – so stunning.
Thanks for this to the very lovely Rima Staines of The Hermitage!
A few more tidbits, to aid your digestion –
one from NPR, very beautiful insect cabinets
and story, and a few tales from the bee-log back when:
The Butterflies And Beetles Behind Evolution
Russet + Bone
Zlata klic – In that far field.


I hope you have the loveliest Thanksgiving my love! I am thankful for so so many things this year. I am thankful for having your friendship 🙂 Girl, you know my love of the Neko!! And actually, whenever I listen to Miss Case, I think of you and when we saw her at La Zona Rosa.

by Chad/MonPetitFantome on November 26, 2009 at 6:51 pm. Reply #

glad you are enjoying these fine days and healing steadily

by sylvio on November 26, 2009 at 7:36 pm. Reply #

Oddly enough I also have Lucky by accident. My Mama thought I’d like it.
We also get Make. Though I think Craft is more my speed. So I read their blog.

by Bean on November 27, 2009 at 10:26 am. Reply #

Oh that animation is lovely. It reminds me..have you read about the new Disney movie? It’s drawn by hand, for the first time in ages, it’s set in New Orleans, and it actually has black characters in it. ! And that buggy wunder-cabinet…amazing. Incidentally I have a big crush on Cabinet.

by Annie Dangerpaws on November 27, 2009 at 4:39 pm. Reply #

Hello Angeliska, you know for some reason I seem to have never been to your blog.. and now I have I see it is excellent!
Thanks for linking me 🙂 Isn’t that animation just the most awe inspiring piece of work…
All bests to you

by Rima on November 28, 2009 at 1:50 am. Reply #

Oh! Oh! I do love that Neko Case poster – care to share the artist? I was quite obsessed with “Maybe Sparrow”, to the point that I unfortunately made it my morning-cell-phone-alarm…now as you can imagine, I associate it with a 6 AM wake up and quite despise it! Not your fault, Neko – I am clearly a dunder-head.
By strange circumstance I also take copies of Lucky, and Women’s Health for free, but the 2 that I subscribe to are Rue Morgue and The Fortean Times:

by ghoul next door on November 30, 2009 at 12:35 pm. Reply #

“a giant feathered cannonball shot through the woods.” LOL. I love that.
I have a serious magazine addiction. I can’t actually afford everything I want right now, but when I’m flush, I like Harpers & Lula, the New Yorker, Utne Reader, Shamballa Sun, Vogue (American or British) and The Sun. I like the Economist because the articles are short, smart & to the point & there is an undercurrent of sharp British humor. (And you can read it easily on the bus – unlike the NY Times.) Index on Censorship is really good & I’d love a subscription to Filament magazine.
I have a weakness for cooking mags – my favorites are Cooks Illustrated, Fine Cooking, Vegetarian Times & Saveur, but I also like Bon Appetit, Clean Eating & Eating Well. I really wish there were a magazine like Fine Cooking devoted solely to Asian (South & East) & Middle Eastern/North African cuisines.
Mind you, I am not actually that good a cook, but I sure do love to read about food & look at the pretty pictures. Food mags are so cozy!

by OdetteO on December 1, 2009 at 7:12 pm. Reply #

p.s. oops, I meant “Shambhala Sun.”
btw, SO glad humans don’t have waddles like turkeys. (but I do really wish we had tails.)

by OdetteO on December 1, 2009 at 7:14 pm. Reply #

p.p.s. ok, that would be wattle. (sorry to clutter your comments up. wish there were an edit function – I’m no good w/o spell check.)

by OdetteO on December 1, 2009 at 7:20 pm. Reply #

My Turkish friend was indignant when he discovered that the American pronunciation of his homeland was not his “toor-kyeh”, but the ridiculous “tur-kee”…more indignant still when I sent him a picture of the bird!
Cabinet is also my favorite- it’s really a pop-up book for adults. Parabola is also quite fascinating- and you can find stacks and stacks of back-issues at hippie garage sales. There’s an awesomely snooty gardening magazine as well…can’t remember the name offhand…a friend simply calls it Uppity White Bitch Quarterly…the name stuck.

by Lanternamagica on December 7, 2009 at 4:16 am. Reply #

Oh, yes- Parabola! I love that one. I discovered it (in dusty stacks) at my great-aunt’s house in Chicago one winter.
I need to find more of those… If you happen to recall the name of that uppity gardening magazine, do let me know!

by Angeliska on December 8, 2009 at 10:45 pm. Reply #

[…] posts: Huexoloti Honey Russet + Bone Lone Grove […]

by Angeliska Gazette › Vultures + Persimmons on November 26, 2010 at 2:41 am. Reply #

[…] posts: VULTURES + PERSIMMONS Huexoloti Honey Russet + Bone Lone Grove […]

by In Fallow Fields « Angeliska Gazette on November 28, 2013 at 2:24 am. Reply #

[…] posts: IN FALLOW FIELDS VULTURES + PERSIMMONS Huexoloti Honey Russet + […]

by FEAST + FAMINE « Angeliska Gazette on November 26, 2015 at 1:23 am. Reply #

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