Magic Windows #3

by angeliska on September 18, 2009

A quick Magic Windows update from afar,
these are actually all Austin related images
that I’ve been meaning to show you for awhile..
Don’t worry, the New York edition of Magic Windows
is shaping up to be pretty great. Just you wait!

A friend of mine from teenage days recently dug up some pictures
taken by my best friend all throughout middle and high school, Milé Boban.
Milé, I miss you! If you’re reading this, thanks for inspiring me in so many ways,
and for capturing these moments. I was 15 or 16 in this picture, and very sassy-
(and goth) as you can see. I dabbed on a bit of Robert Piguet’s Fracas recently,
and was immediately transported back to this time- well, maybe a few years
later, but remembering discovering that very sophisticated, flirtatious, grown-up
lady perfume for the first time. Precocious, yes- very. At least I had good taste!

Found a giant spider in my bathtub a few days before the fire-
not an omen, though. Spiders mean money is coming- the bigger
the spider, the more money! I saw a tarantula on my doorstep when
I was 12, and the next day found a $20 dollar bill in the school parking lot,
which was a considerable amount to me at the time. Still is, really!

I love this heart-shaped locket with Steve McQueen lovingly taped in.
It’s musical, and plays the theme from “Love Story”, of course!
I like to imagine the swooning young boy who had this hidden under his pillow.

Magic mirrors. Ten minutes after I took this picture, a beautiful artist from France
came into the shop asking for help in finding a small, crackly mirror. Bingo.

I’m obsessed with this amazing mineral. I wish I knew what it was.

I love transfer-ware. I am totally not allowed to start collecting it, ever.

Birdy, birdy why so sad? Maybe he’s a bit claustrophobic in that box!

Ducky nubbins! We had a bunch of the field specimens in the shop,
liberated from some scientist’s or museum’s dusty drawer. I want them all!
Okay, the rest of the week is shaping up to be insane-
lots of interviews, writing and making up for lost time,
so it may be a bit quiet around here, but we shall see!


What treasures! Especially that lovely photo of teenage you!

by Eliza on September 18, 2009 at 11:19 am. Reply #

My house is full of spiders! I always say hello to them and call them “pidey-pie.”

by Virginia on September 18, 2009 at 11:53 am. Reply #

tha picture of you looks like it could be from sassy 🙂 gorgeous, all.

by roxi on September 18, 2009 at 3:06 pm. Reply #

I love the teen pic! Was the contrast to that Monroe pic on purpose?

by Gabriel on September 18, 2009 at 3:10 pm. Reply #

Found four brown recluse spiders in a hill country house clean recently ! … cupped them and put them outside … was told i should have squished them ( after we looked up what a bite does to a humans flesh on the internet ) … but im all for live and let live … ( as long as IM not living in that house ! )

by dougling on September 21, 2009 at 2:43 pm. Reply #

ohhh miss angel
mees eyes peek @ your be-log and i find word of Milé…is this Big Bertha’s Milé?…if so i would love to contact him. pass my MyFace to him, it would be great to hear from his fabulous self

by mary quite contrary on October 4, 2009 at 6:17 pm. Reply #

I’ve given you an award.

by Jill on October 7, 2009 at 1:35 pm. Reply #

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day. ~:)

by Sunny on January 10, 2010 at 11:39 am. Reply #

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special Day. Love your Entries! ~:)

by Sunny on January 10, 2010 at 11:40 am. Reply #

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