Snakes + Leather

by angeliska on July 3, 2009

Recently we had a wonderful opportunity to spend some time
with a very lovely snake named Sugar. Our friends Scott and Jen
who are the founders of the Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata
were married recently, and went to Costa Rica for their honeymoon.
We got to take care of Sugar for them while they were exploring
the jungle. He’s an eastern garter snake, (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis)
such a lovely creature, with an amazingly congenial temperament!

It was difficult to get an accurate photograph, but I had to try and capture
the holographic rainbows on Sugar’s gorgeous underbelly.
You can’t really tell, but I promise it was completely psychedelic + hypnotic.

(Photo by Javi)
Speaking of hypnotic.. I saw Patrick Wolf perform last night, and was totally enchanted.
I am often late to the table, and often friends have to force me to have a listen-
even when I know I’ll love it, it sometimes just takes me a lot longer to make
the really obvious musical discoveries. That’s what happens when you’re always
peering under rocks and toadstools- at times the fireworks going off above get overlooked.
I am so glad I let myself be swept along with the current. I honestly haven’t felt
that magical shimmering frisson of delight reserved for true golden star dreamboats
in such a long time. What a feeling! It was a marvelous show- from his impeccable
stagewear (Oh, I could go on about it at length, and plan to soonly!),
to his range of instruments and incredible charisma- he had everyone dancing
like giddy schoolchildren. Okay, so many in the audience probably were
actually just that- but still! I’ve been in the best mood ever since.

As long as were on the subject of adorable leather-clad boys,
I just have to share this very crappy picture taken with my telephone.
I found these random Austrian wine merchants wandering around the shop
wearing very well-made lederhosen! How sweet is that? Very.

I’ve been going to the Korean markets a lot and buying fish cakes, lotus roots
and giant oyster mushrooms. It’s so hard to resist the candy aisle, what with
all the lychee gummies, pumpkin milk pastilles and choco-mushrooms!
These are my favorite (just in case you wanted to buy me some candy, eh?)
and I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I ate the entire box.
Well, I shared it. Mostly. It was melting, and had to been consumed quickly!

What’s going on here, people? Baby rockstar choco-mushrooms trip out
on the ultra-papa guitar fungus? What the heck. Inquiring minds want to know.

Photo by Don
Is this not the best snake you’ve ever seen in your life?
Pink and yellow checkerboard + stripes with ruby eyes, nestled in a tulip, hello!
Same family as Sugar, believe it or not- perhaps an albino? Very fancy.
Here’s what I’ve been listening to:
Blue Room (extended version) – Kirlian Camera
Magpie – Patrick Wolf with Marianne Faithful


bummer!! Patrick Wolfe was in town??? and i missed it!!!! That snake is lovely, both, really!

by carrin on July 3, 2009 at 7:57 am. Reply #

That last snake is SO gay.
Happy news: your towering, crumbling manse on Esplanade is finally covered with scaffolding. Methinks someone will revive the da joint anon.

by Toddlington on July 3, 2009 at 10:15 am. Reply #

Slither and Silk.
I was struck simply that I have also been in the Korean Markets the past months here in Oahu. Lovely treats,too.
I am recently addicted to taking in Korean Cinema at every turn with my wolf kyn pack & a feast to match in Our bellies.
All the Love.

by Saelokit on July 6, 2009 at 8:01 pm. Reply #

Your snake photos of Sugar were beautiful. I noticed the metallic and rainbow iridescence on its belly immediately.

by Sue on July 31, 2009 at 5:45 pm. Reply #

The package for your “mushroom mountain” waxy, waxy chocolates says: ” get the SUPER SPECIAL digital extras [lit: digital contents] totally free!” You see, you scan the little digitized area with your cell phone-telephone and it gives you a filial, mushroomy-chocolaty song/dance, I guess.
Beneath is a disclaimer indicating that for those unable to access the 2-D code goodness, access to the audio-fungal surprise is available via the Personal Computer.
The hussars have lost their busbies, gnaedige Fraulein.

by W.D.P von der Goltz on August 24, 2009 at 10:50 pm. Reply #

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