Coconut Honey
by angeliska on July 30, 2009
Is it really Thursday again, already? Whew! Crazy-times. (Oops, it’s Friday now! Hah.) So hard not to be a totally nocturnal marsupial these days! ♡ The other night I had insomnia and stayed up way too late reading Lil Wayne (…)
Dog Days
by angeliska on July 30, 2009
We adopted a puppy! Well, she’s six months old- but that still counts, right? I was walking past the Austin Pets Alive adoption station after work the other day, and she caught my eye. She’s super wiggly, and thus really (…)
Lapsang Honey
by angeliska on July 24, 2009
I really only have a teensy snoppet of time just now- but as it happens to be Thursday, (well it was when I started writing this, anyway!) I feel moved to thank my lucky stars for some bits of assorted (…)
Recurring Dreams II. – Smoke + Dust
by angeliska on July 20, 2009
First of all, I must say thank you to everyone who shared their recurring dreams here recently. I was truly blown away by all the rich symbolism and power in these dreams, and especially by how open a lot of (…)
Recurring Dreams
by angeliska on July 19, 2009
I’ve been thinking a lot about recurring dreams lately. I had a conversation with the woman I happened to be sitting next to in the movie theater. I’m not excatly sure right now how we got on the subject, but (…)
Blue Moon Honey
by angeliska on July 7, 2009
Oh my lovelies, it seems lately I’ve been a deep sea creature- swimming far beneath the photic zone, lost in dark blue folds of water- oblivion lit only by my brightly bobbing lantern lure. I’ve been trying to fight my (…)
Snakes + Leather
by angeliska on July 3, 2009
Recently we had a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with a very lovely snake named Sugar. Our friends Scott and Jen who are the founders of the Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata were married recently, and went to (…)