Come out and play..

by angeliska on February 8, 2007

Many interesting events are occurring this weekend, my pretties!
I’m escaping from my hermitude, and intend to frolic fervently-
so join me!
On Friday there’s the opening of the Animals show
at the Museum of Natural & Artificial Ephemerata!
“An enchanting wilderzone of animal collection—
a veritable wetland of naturcultures and undoubtedly
the most singular ecocollage of its kind!
See wildlife, feralife, and tamelife
intertwine in a symbiotic thicket of biomass!
A vast biopanorama in which you, too, are on display!
Here the animals are more curious about you than you are them,
and rather than being tamed, here they make humans wild!
The exhibition opens Friday, February 9
with an evening preview showing from 7-10pm,
featuring a jungle of animal light created
by the celuloid-celled Ms. Lori 16mm Varga!
The Animals show features over 25 loans
from Austin collectors, a narwhal tooth replica,
a weeping taxidermy crocodile,
and millions of invisible animalculae!
For a full tour of our anti-menagerie,
come by Saturday, February 10, 12-5pm!”

I’ve lent them some pieces from my collection
(two-headed duckling, feejee mermaid,
an old poster of owls and birds from France
and C. lent his first carnivorous plant terrarium.,)
I am excited to see all the other creatures!

Like this cute little fellow!
I think it might have been
a baby kangaroo once..

They have a Kombucha Research Station..

And a Dream Machine!
On Saturday is Pandora’s Box

at the Enchanted Forest
Ratty Scurvics Singularity – from New Orleans

Ratty singing my favorite song..
He’s playing drums with his feet, ya’ll.
He’ll make you dance ’til you’re dead.
999 Eyes ov Endless Dream
Mary Go Round
That Damned Band
M.C. – Low Rent The Clown
Fiery Shadow World of Baruzuland
The Red Teasers – ULA & OOPER

And Sunday..
Is the Shhh-Second Sunday Sock-hop
at the Longbranch Inn..
Let’s go dancin’, darling!

One comment

[…] and the first tour filed out, and the next group of us prepared to enter the museum. The number of strange objects the Webels manage to cram into the tiny half of their house that they’ve converted into the […]

by Angeliska Gazette › The Museum of Ephemerata – Underground on August 12, 2010 at 10:35 am. Reply #

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