In Memoriam

by angeliska on January 25, 2007

Pandora Aurora Rose
(Katherine Jeanine Hastings)
July 22nd 1975 – January 25th 2005

Two years now you’ve been gone,
and the ache hasn’t,
the thought of you alone in the water-
knowing that you’ll never hear this song,
you would have loved it
but you’re not here.
If I talk to you, sing to you,
weep for you now
will you hear?
The house where you died
is going to be torn down.
I never went in,
passed by-
but never saw the place
where the portal opened
and you went in.
I want to tell you about
the garden we are going
to be planting soon-
for you, roses pink and red.
A place where we can leave
you things and say your name.
Precious sister,
what else can we do?
None of your lovely locks are left
behind for us to weave into
wreaths of flowers
to honor and remember you.
All the photographs that
exist of you are the only ones
that ever will. We can only
gaze at them and try
to learn your secrets,
speak your language.
Lost girl, please know
that we miss you,
think of you,
love you ever.

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