send me your flowers of your december

by angeliska on January 2, 2006

Now that the carnage and carnival
of holyholyholy days are past,
I can stop for a moment, catch pepperminted breath,
hide the trimmings, the sparkling gussies in the attic
and pretend it’s just a very grey spring.

One day it froze. There were icicles on everything.
A strange tinkling, a broken glass sound woke us.

This is the first year I’ve had my own wee tree.
The ornaments were my mother’s, so delicate-
some of their thin convexes blown out
over the years..

There was only one thing I wished for, and my wish was granted
by my dearsweet Grampa Claus! I couldn’t believe it..
It is an ocean harp, and it is my instrument.
It sounds like a cross between a whale and a theremin.

We saw some sparkly lights.

This is my friend Dougie. He is amazing.

This is a putt-putt pirate.

I very much wanted to eat this. Alas, I did not.

I did, however, eat this- a most marvelous boeuf en croute.
It was bloody delicious!

This Venetian chandelier hypnotizes me. O Glass fruits!

Eland’s Haus.

I think this was indeed the most idyllic, story-book
hexmas I’ve ever known, thanks to my love and his
fantastic family. Positively dreamy.
More to come, soonly..

Gruß vom Krampus!

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