news and notwhat

by angeliska on February 12, 2004

I do enjoy the peculiar sense of synchronicity and coincidence that I seem to encounter almost daily.

This morning when I came in to work, I found a cut-out article from the Times-Picayune (Incidentally, weren’t Picayunes what Holly Golightly smoked? I found them in New York once, and they were just dreadful.)

The theives were found, or at least their hide-out, filled with all sorts of purloined archictural sweetmeats- including five Italian marble mantelpieces. I know it’s them.

Anyhow, the article is here, if you’d like to read it:

Stolen archictectural items recovered

In other news, miss abaratus userinfo reminded of of this today-

I’ve always wondered about the whys and wherefores regarding
The Great Molasses Flood..
There are rumours that there was once one here,
but it might just be misinformed gossip..
Still, it’s a great song,
and I do love the smell of blackstrap molasses!

More on that..

Also, we held the second Cabaret Revoltaire meeting
in the laundrette, due to the downpour and dampness..
Things seem to be moving at a fair clip,
and I am excited about the Dada/Hugo/Ball in March.
If any of you performers or artists or whatnot
have an interest in reviving the Dada/Surrealist movements
and visiting New Orleans, than by all means-
go here:


Here’s a Valentine.

Just ’cause yer so durn purty.

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