Oh Europa

by angeliska on August 26, 2003

In seven days exactly, I depart for Europa..
My grandfather and I will be making our way by train,
for exactly one month, from Prague to Rome.
Our itinerary is as follows:
Prague – September 3rd-8th
Vienna – September 8th-13th
Venice – September 13th-18th
Ravenna – September 18th-20th
Padua – September 20th-22nd
Florence – September 22nd-27th
Rome – September 27th-October 2nd
If you have any reccomendations for interesting things or personages to visit,
I would be grateful..Also, if anyone would like to receive post,
I look forward to being able to catch up with my correspondences-
do relay to me your address!
I’ve been busy at work and play, and preparing to go on this voyage..
Three jobs is getting to be a bit much- on top of my other two,
I am now getting paid to write- My first published article came out this week!
I’m working on another one as we speak.
I’m writing about food, something that has never failed to inspire me-
so I’m quite happy about it..
I can’t wait to be out of this country, to see my grandfather again,
to be travelling, seeing things I have never seen before..
Seven days.
A composite reflection of recent days:
An array of image that flow and blur
one into another- elusive, and imprecise..
But here they are, still-
Vast, black thunderheads that threaten
and then vanish from sight without spilling a drop
on our parched petals, all the flora gasping for storms.
I hear cicadas dim patter, the klick-klack
mechanical calculations of der Kakerlak at work,
feeding on dead mice and plotting their ascent..
Brown-pate wings shimmering in the glow of streetlight,
avoiding my the monumental approach of my heels.
I have a double slice in my index finger,
from bathing distractedly, the heat clouds the mind..
My new chrome tooth, perfectly smooth,
seated high in the back of my mouth-
A trinket for my tongue to toy with.
It’s deadly suffocating in here,
I’m off to dress and have Pimm’s cups
(the perfect summer beverage)
with the lovely and amazing mlle.
and her beau, who are visiting us
here in La Nouvelle Orleans, hurrah!

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