dollshow delirium and detritus…

by angeliska on February 12, 2003

lord golly,
what a mad month it has been!
the doll show has come and gone,
leaving me in a swirl of fluttering tatters and broken joints-
despite all of the chaotic preparations, and the disasters of the day, which follow…
the lovely lorelei with the broken neck, my sister gasping shock and dismay-
her daughter, her self, shattered- after so many months of careful creation..
speeding away from that horrible scene, speechless-
nodding my head to the relentless music,
(let the madness begin, just let it begin)
and coming back from my catatonic reverie
to the ominous thumping of a severely flat tire
on the overpass of the highway…
there was nothing to do but stick out my leather gloved thumb-
and luckily, after about a zillion cars
one sweet samaritan took me to the gallery with less than
three hours to finish, and so much left to be done..
stress and mental massacre turned me into a shrieking fascist harpy,
but after i had donned my fairy princess finery in the broom-closet
and hung the last few pieces and tags with jittery hands
amidst the deluge of people who arrived promptly at six-
i allowed myself some mousse-cups in phyllo-nests
and a glass of wine and the spy-strains of baby rosebud which soothed me, considerably..
the evening was, unequivocably, a roaring success-
the gallery was packed to the gills with throngs of fancy-hatted and bedecked folk,
the wine was plentiful, though all the petit-fours did vanish in moments
the music and dancing in the graveyard with hazard county girls and miss kane’s
lovely cloth dolls, and little child-duchesses in shiny silver and violet..
after awhile, i could perch on a table and watch it all swarm past me,
beaming and thankful- and proud to see that all the hard work had truly been worth it..
title or description

i’m just too lazy to put up the others,
but if you want to see, there are
more pictures from the dollshow
which can be seen at:
user name = scarletfever
a bevy of tender kisses and thanks to all who
created dolls and worked so hard on this show,
as well as all who attended…
and to these lovelies most especially, for their creativity and labours..

the last few days have been spent in astonishing langour- so incredible to do absolutely nothing at all- lounging and languishing with the ringer turned off, and actually even doing a bit of getting out and about-
the last few evenings have been marvelously entertaining!
i saw a performance of salome in a masonic temple,
(too perfect! i wonder how the masons liked the lascivious half-naked daughter of herodias writhing all over their golden thrones?)
the usual sunday night cabaret with cards, wine, and bananas foster aflowing,
this evening at reve’s one-man show, which was simply stunning,
and then, to top the night off perfectly-
i and miss r. attended the i, clavdivs drinking game,
compliments to the always-ravishing
and his sons of agrippa for this brilliant new diversion- my tuesdays are now something to look forward to!
i’ll be venturing down to the gallery on the morrow
to take pictures of all the dollies and collect everything i forgot in the melee..
i desperately need a website, for myself and for the dollshow-
unfortunately, i woefully unskilled in these matters!
i need advice and expertise!
if anyone can lend their know-how to me,
i would be eternally grateful, and utterly doting in all sorts of ways..
tempted, aren’t you?
a luddite damsel in distress awaits your technological talents!

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