DOLLS: puppets, poppets, automatons and homunculi

by angeliska on February 1, 2003

so yes,
i’ve discovered that the only way through this
is to stay as busy as humanly (or inhumanly) possible..
thank god the dollshow is next week-
i can concentrate on it,
and lose my mind later (what little i will have left)
i spent the day unpacking all the beautiful dolls
from their encasements of plasticene bubbles
and i have a feeling that despite all the madness,
the exhibition will be amazing..
please come, anyone that can-
it shall be a marvelous tea-party
with puppetshows and music and sweets..
and of course, the ever-astounding automatons,
(including live nude dolls! ooh-la-la)
showing through March 22nd
opening and reception 6-10pm
Poet’s Gallery 3113 Magazine Street
title or description
title or description
many thanks to for creating these beauties..

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