by angeliska on December 7, 2002

last night brought feverful dreams in technicolour newsflashes:
a middle eastern city in ruins, tattered and crumbled
filled with freezing refugees scattering like ants in a smashed citadel mound
a harsh winter is closing in on the desert
though the sun is still shining
they have no where to go, nowhere to take shelter..
a snowstorm swirls around the pyramids seen from above
white powdery drifts pile up on ancient mesopotamia..
in the backyard the giant morning glories are blooming, resplendent
vines crawling everywhere, flooded with blossoms..
psychotropic purples and blues, with dewdrops refracting prisms in the early light-
it is all so vivid, so bright, too true to be good..
the mailman brings me my letter..
i smile at the man, red heartshaped lips unfolding
to reveal a dragonfly made out of cobalt blue morning glory blossoms..
i am so very tired and it is so very cold
i made a picture of my dream so you can see
how beautiful she was
perhaps it can show you what it was like
to be there..
mourning glory

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