
by angeliska on September 9, 2002

Tonight, being Sunday, (my lovely solitary rainy day off)
Mr. Buttons was spinning 20’s and 30’s standards at our
own personal speakeasy – our deluxe Kabaret-Expat night at Mythique…
Red wine flights and flurries and gin rummy – such a lovely combination.
The weather has turned seemingly – long torrents of water fall from the sky,
and grey skies perpetually. I think I love it. Does this mean I will love Dutch weather too?
If I was less woozy, I could force this to make more sense.
Instead, I’ll point out a few random but choice items of interest:
I’ve been meeting some incredible people lately.
Precious Andy, the baby-faced dissolute writer.
Stefka, from Bulgaria who said she she would tutor me in Bulgarian folk-singing
(So exciting – my dream come true!)
and tonight, a lovely mortician, who said she would take me to work with her sometime!
We have plans to experiment with mummification/preservation techniques.
Just when I had made up my mind to leave this place…
My mind swarms with possibilities and fears and hopes.
Amsterdam looms in front of me – adventure, a huge risk.
So much to lose – but much experience and knowledge to gain.
I’m scared, and determined.
Two black cats in a row crossed my path tonight.
Jaws ache from tooth grinding. To bed now?
Perchance to dream.

One comment

[…] I’ve always been a devoted anachronist – always wished that everyone would commit to playing the same big game of dress-up and pretend, and that just for one night, we could create the illusion of living in another era, as seamlessly as possible. I went to a 1920′s themed party in New Orleans years ago, that really inspired me to try and one day create an environment to do just that. It was a birthday party at The Country Club (a gay bar in a gorgeous old house, with a pool in the back – not a snooty white-people golf place) and I remember everyone dressed to the nines, inhabiting their characters perfectly, drinking martinis and gadding about. We all jumped in the pool at the end of the night, in our beaded gowns and tuxedos, crazy fools that we were (must’ve been all those martinis!) A little while later, Chesley and I started a low key evening where he would spin music from the 1920′s and 30′s, and we would play gin-rummy and drink wine. Our chef friends would raid the pantries of the fancy restaurants they worked at, and make incredible gourmet tidbits. It was such fun, and I’d long wanted to do something like it again – so doing Vintage Vivant with Amelia totally satisfies that need – and then some! Here are some snippets I dug up from those olden golden days: ✸ Playing Canasta in Cold Rooms ✸ Mumbley-peg and slithery-dee ✸ Doubleplusgoodluck […]

by Angeliska Gazette › Finest of Flurries on February 16, 2011 at 2:41 pm. Reply #

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