by angeliska on August 19, 2002

strange dreams..it’s my birthday..are we on a boat? i look out to the deck and see two very large snakes writhing about out there..one is black and the other is mottled green and brown. i know instinctively that they are male and female, and that they are a couple of sorts. i never see their heads, their faces..only their large and powerful tails sliding over the deck..are these snakes moving backwards? there is something very strange about them.. i want to look up what kind they are..everyone is too petrified by the snakes to go out on deck for the party. i am definitely intimidated by them, but they also fascinate me, and i don’t want to stop watching them.
i’m running to catch my plane..
i have to get on a strange shuttle thing to get there,
so i kiss my grandparents goodbye.
(i keep dreaming about them..)
and old lady lets me choose a dessert
out of her case
i choose a dark chocolate pineapple marzipan tart
and she tells me if i ever need money,
to come see her..
she perplexes me, but i like her.
i go outside and see i’ve left my bag
on the front stoop of our building
(where in real life it would have never lasted the night..)
my cat is curled up in it, hiding like a kitten..
what is he doing outside the house?
anxiety dreams
so hot, so hungry..i will stumble off in a heap of sweaty tangle in search of sustenance, before the dreaded dentist..eek!

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