Magic Windows #25

by angeliska on September 21, 2011

All dolled up in mermaiden pearls for Enchantment Under the Sea, Dances of Vice’s 4th Anniversary Celebration.
It was my very first time to attend Dances of Vice, though I’d been wanting to go for years!
Shien (the mastermind behind the magic) is such a perfect hostess, and puts so much thought
and love into creating these incredible events. If you live in New York, you had better go!

I love this sketch Adriano Moraes did of Jeff Wengrofsky and I that night.
I remember feeling so perfectly and completely happy while standing there near the doorway, being sketched.
I could see all the guests coming down the grand stairway at Morningside Castle, all in their finest frocks and
sharpest suits. Something about people-watching with permission to be silent and still in the mad throng of that
beautiful party, all while being watched and taken in so intently by an artist making the magical transference
between eye and hand, hand and pencil, pencil and paper. The moment was captured in more ways than one.

Portrait within a portrait.
Hotel Chelsea
I had an amazing meeting of the minds with Gerald Busby, a brilliant composer and truly wonderful man
who lives in the Chelsea Hotel. You’ll be hearing more about him from me soon – he’s amazing.

Gerald instructed me to go up to the top floor and walk down the stairs. So glad I did.
It was such a gift to be able to wander the halls of this grand old dame who gave
shelter and succor to so many artists and heroes of mine. I could feel their shades
dancing in the halls, their footsteps echoing. I made a wish that the Chelsea will
continue, will not be robbed of her spirit – though she is being mercilessly robbed
of her art and her tenants. What spirits will be left when they are all gone?

I took a wrong turn looking for Gerald’s apartment
(I should’ve just followed the music!), but I’m glad I
did, because I happened upon room #528 and its
perfect message. It reminds me of being in Rome
with my Grandfather. We were in Madrid, on one
of the last days of what would be our last trip together.
We had gone to the Ermita San Antonio de la Florida
to see Goya’s Sistine Chapel and final resting place,
and I remember both of us were so, so happy that day.
We gazed up at the gorgeous domed cupola depicting
the miracle of Saint Anthony, and all the angels and fat
cherubim gamboling below and just drank in all that beauty,
that light. I asked him then, “How did we get to be so lucky?
and he replied, “Because our hearts are pure.
as of yet unstolen art from the Chelsea Hotel
A detail of some as of yet unstolen art from the Chelsea Hotel.
Not sure who the artist is. Fill me in if you know…

From a mural at Petite Abeille, where I had a delightful
post-earthquake brunch with some of my favorite fancies.

Goat girl phone doodle.
I loved this gargoyle/green man who ornaments an apartment on the prettiest street in Crown Heights.
subway serenader
Subway serenader. He also played erhu.

This is Lola. She is one of my favorite people.
pleasant goat + big big wolf
This is one of her toys, which she let me play with.

This is ostensibly the pleasant goat. But where is the big big wolf?

I finally found the intersection of Waverly Place and Waverly Place,
stumbling up it alone, by chance, late on my way to dinner one muggy
night. It would have been better if it had been snowing, and silent – like
in Veronica, but at least it exists. People had told me that it didn’t. It does!
The nothing is coming - unicorns unite!
The nothing is coming – unicorns unite!

Morning, glories.


The artist is Jose Luis Cuevas – an excellent Mexican artist who excels at engravings and lithographs.
Thank you for the blog, I always enjoy it.

by JB on September 21, 2011 at 3:25 am. Reply #

I finally found you again!
It’s Shanna, from way back on the interwebs. Not sure if you’ll remember me, but back in the days of Deadjournal many years ago, I was Eodouin (Eoduin). I remember we spoke via AIM once, and you gave me a piece of the most incredibly sage, genuine and treasured advice I have ever received. I was in a very different place in my life at the time–consorting strictly with ne’er-do-wells, operating under many illicit substances, rotting away in a tiny, dirty old town, waiting for my own flame to burn out. You didn’t know me at all aside from my journal entries, but you told me that I needed to get out of where I was and find people who would love and appreciate me. Angeliska, though it is so many years later, I cannot express how much these words meant to me. You saw something at the time that I didn’t–couldn’t, perhaps. I have never forgotten that one brief conversation we had where you reached out and gently touched my core, despite essentially being two internet strangers with a love for the odd and beautiful. I am now long escaped from that town, fortunately, and I am 1 year sober from alcohol, 4 years sober from narcotics. I am in a loving relationship with another artist who values who I am and encourages me to grow and aim for my true potential as a human being. And somehow, even though we only spoke briefly many years ago when I was an entirely different person existing in hell, you knew that I deserved better, and I have always been deeply struck by the kindness and compassion you showed to me. I cannot adequately express how moved I have been by that conversation we had, and I have never forgotten your words or who you are.
I just added you on Tumblr (I am EUSHANNASIA), but couldn’t message you on there, so I hope it is all right that I posted this long overdue tome here. I just needed you to know this. You are incredibly wise beyond your years, and your words awakened some deep, primal force within me that renewed my flickering will to live, made me aware once again that I am a person worth knowing and loving. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to speak with me that dismal evening. Even if you don’t remember me at all, I had to let you know that you changed my life at a time where I was in desperate need of perspective, of love. Even if I never hear from you again, I needed you to know this before we shuffle off of this mortal coil. You are what gives human beings hope. There is precious little of such character as yours in this world. How wonderful, enriching and rewarding it must be to know you personally. I feel stronger, better, more complete for simply having had an acquaintance with you on the internet.
Thank you for listening.
All of my love.

by Shanna Murphy on October 10, 2011 at 10:00 am. Reply #

Dear Shanna,
Hello my dear – I just realized that I never responded to your sweet message, that you wrote all those many moons ago. I stumbled back across it last night, as I was hunting for something else, and felt terrible that I hadn’t responded! You words meant so much to me, and I’m so glad you tracked me down again. I’m so proud of you for changing your life, and for living, and for being so beautiful and strong and brave. I hope this note reaches you. I’m honored that my words helped you out of that dark place, and that you shared that with me. I’m sending you lots of good thoughts, darling.

by Angeliska on October 3, 2012 at 10:35 pm. Reply #

I found this completely at random. this date was my birthday. it was important, this one in particular. I found u because of my research. I feel that we need to meet. in fact, I think you look familiar, but that may be due to my “Alice” brain. When Mary Ann runs ship half the time, who knows who actually is in control.

by Vanna D on April 15, 2014 at 2:22 am. Reply #

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