Exquisite Corpse – Pharaonic Photobooth

by angeliska on September 1, 2011

I’m just back in from my travels, and getting ready for Exquisite Corpse tonight,
but thought I’d take a minute to post some photos from last month to amaze + inspire…
Also – holy shit, look at this:

If I ever do another Egyptian themed Exquisite Corpse again, I know what I’m wearing!
From 2004 Christian Dior Haute-Couture – thank you to Gala Darling for this one!
I cannot even handle Amelia’s next level googly eye game. She blows my mind so hard. Dang, girl! She don’t even mess around!
Iana + David
Sassy + John
Devaki made incredible photo magic once again! This is definitely my favorite
Exquisite Corpse photo set yet
! Brilliance. Plus, everyone turned it OUT!
So amazing. Can’t handle.
Royal family portrait!
I want to put them in my pocket, please.
Why are all my friends so amazing? But, really!
Fiona + Jonny – copper moon children
Charlie’s Angels got nothin’ on us…
Jen + Melissa
Antony + Cleopatra
DJ Pasht Moon
Pasht + Devi
Jen + Summer
Blue, Ashley and Matt
Lau + Justin
Jackie + Norah – this is how the night always ends…
Hot bitches rollin’ around on the floor!


Wow ! Of course I LOVE this but also, you are at your BEST. Black hair is perfect for you !
x x x

by ▲under the pyramids▲ on September 1, 2011 at 5:16 pm. Reply #

i agree with mathyld, you are extra fancy with the black hair. (of course you are alwayyyys extra fancy, but still.)

by oola on September 2, 2011 at 7:58 am. Reply #

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