Mardi Gras Madness

by angeliska on March 4, 2011

We’re in a mad flurry of sequin sewing, trim-gluing and puppet-building leading up to Fat Tuesday,
so I had better share this rundown of pictures from last year’s big day now, before I get buried up
to my neck in sparkles and frippery! I can only pray that we are blessed with such weatherly perfection
this year, and that we manage to turn ourselves out so resplendently! We ended up missing out on all
the Lundi Gras festivities (travesty!) in order to complete our ensembles – but I have to say that I think
our sacrifice was well worth it. I was very proud of what we created! Colin made his amazing mushroom
costume in ONE NIGHT. When the going gets weird, the weird go pro! Hope we can pull it off again,
and have time to ramble properly instead of glueing and sewing until the wee hours. Make it work!
I was a Black Forest Cake!

Cake hat and stray curls at the end of a gorgeous Mardi Gras day.

Pandora was a Dutch still-life painting of the spoils of the hunt. I love the little monkey on her shoulder!

Dana as Diana and Francesca the scarlet sorceress.

Can you even handle Colin’s Amanita muscaria magic? I cannot. He is too amazing.
One night, y’all. Cardboard, glue and fabric. The man is a genius. Perfect toadstool man!

Nina Carolina was a goatherder girl, with a herd of goats that we actually coolers on wheels!

These magic goats were filled with treats! Sandwiches, fancy lemonade, cookies and beer!

Alisan was Fortuna with her wheel, and Frannie was a dainty werewolf.

Epic stained glass ballerina!
Dr. Bob!

Scary clown ladies!

Colin and the Russian Duke and Duchess. They were so gorgeous!

Mark and Dana
Bella Francesca
Jackie Mang down by the river.
Raven was a gorgeous golden dragon!
Thomas Little, tigerboy.
Miss Angie was a perfect Russian doll – so lovely she is.
It was hard to not take one million pictures of Colin in his costume.
I kind of wish he would wear it all the time. It really suits him.
Mardi Gras 2011 – The parades, the routes, the krewes and all the news leading up to Fat Tuesday.
Oh Baby : New Orleans Baby Doll Tradition Thrives
Police shut down a community Mardi Gras costume sale that’s been happening annually for about 20 years. For real, y’all?
NOPD doesn’t have anything better to do than hassle people selling handmade costumes for carnival? So fucked up and absurd.
Our friends Scary Toesies tried to have a lovely little garden party the other night, and perform their puppetshow, Mummy Dust
for everybody, but the cops came and not only nixed the show (which was really rather sedate and not all that noisy) and then
forced everybody to leave the premises. Apparently this is happening a lot to venues and parties in the Bywater. I remember when
I couldn’t even get the police to come when people were being robbed at gunpoint in front of my house. Now if you call on a noise
complaint, they come in force.
✸ Somehow, I never posted pictures from Mardi Gras 2009! How silly!
So, until I get around to a redux, here they are for your perusal!
Mardi Gras 2009
One day I’ll do a full retrospective of my costumes over the years, and
get real organized! Yeah! One of these days!
Mardi Gras, My Love

Parades II.
Seawitches, Stormsirens, and Horned Beasts


i am dying about a thousand times. oh angel, you are my favourite cake of all, please come and perch yourself on my table and be my birthday centerpiece. also this proves it, colin can conjure mushrooms and toadstool out of absolutely anything!
i hope you are having a wonderful time, dear one! sending my love to you sweet and wonderful revelers! (don’t let the bastards get you down!)

by annie on March 4, 2011 at 3:01 pm. Reply #

Oh! You are all rapturously beautiful.

by Virginia on March 4, 2011 at 5:21 pm. Reply #

I am speechless and in awe of your and Colin’s artistry! Breathtaking!

by tine on March 5, 2011 at 1:22 am. Reply #

So colorful and scrumptious! fun fun fun and gorgeous folks!

by Faith Delphi on March 5, 2011 at 10:41 am. Reply #

Thanks Ms. Angel! Everyone looked genius. It makes me actually appreciate the art of costuming for once. Thanks for sharing for those of us who can’t be there! xo,c

by Camille on March 6, 2011 at 4:59 am. Reply #

The creative brilliance of the costumes in your Mardi Gras photos always leaves me breathless & in complete awe. And I love that you want your fiance to wear a mushroom costume all the time – you two could not be more suited if you’d been designed especially for each other. 🙂

by OdetteO on March 7, 2011 at 8:58 pm. Reply #

You all looked staggeringly beautiful the other day- I have a lovely picture of you, Pandora, Nina(?) and another adorable lady taken on the balcony caticorner to yours on Royal- I was the envious girl with the windmill headdress across the way! If I can find my dratted USB cable I will send it along.

by lanternamagica on March 9, 2011 at 9:16 pm. Reply #

I linked your blog on my blog. You are my documentress and archivess of Eris and are constantly a source of delightful carnival images for the sick at sea. I hope that you are doing well and not traumatized by the oppressive state violence that I have been reading about.
party lady solidarity,

by angela roberts on March 10, 2011 at 11:28 am. Reply #

Happened across your blog and wow! What gorgeous costumes! Wonderful colors, sunshine, variety of ideas. Loved the cooler goats, too. Thanks so much for sharing.

by J P on March 29, 2011 at 11:58 pm. Reply #

ah, I always turn to your blog for inspiration, and you never let me down. such a fan of your fantastic work, and now your fiance’s as well: that mushroom costume is incredible! thank you for sharing so many wonderful and brilliant things.

by Eliza the Brute on March 31, 2011 at 7:59 pm. Reply #

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