Magic Windows #15

by angeliska on July 21, 2010

Throw back those heavy damask curtains,
rip down your awful venetian blinds and
unlatch your windows. The night is warm
and full of birdsong and neighborhood
sounds. Pull out all your boxes of treasure
and light candles, and see what you might
find. That’s what I’ve been doing lately, and
it’s resulted in a giant mess – but I’m greatly
inspired by what I’ve been finding. Summer
evenings are full of deep breathings, insects
calling to each other, yelling and fireworks
and ice-cream trucks. Is that what you hear, too?
dream headdress
This photo is in the bathroom stall at a Mexican restaurant
I frequent. I need to make myself one like this. Plumes + stars!
how queer!
I wish the photo showed it better, but is this not totally amazing?
I love how much happier and natural she looks in boy drag.
Who was she? Her royal witchness. Look at those plaits!
'til the sphinx winks
Anyone know where these Sphinxes are, or if they
still exist? ‘Til the sphinx winks, she said. Questions
for the Southern Oracles, eh? I have some too.
found a chicken
“By the Sad Sea Waves, Sam found a chicken!”

This kitty toy was found in Rome by Mr. Bruce Lee Webb,
of Waxahachie, Texas
. I could play with it endlessly, but
really oughtn’t as it’s quite old, and for sale. I made a video
instead, so I could enjoy it always. Next best thing!


Best images collection I’ve seen in a long while …
I covet Ms Witchen’s plaits ! Wow !
Also this Art Deco Sphynx ? Swoon !
“Sam found a chicken” ha !
And this cat … I want this kitty !
This whole post put a huge smile on my face.
Kiss Kiss !

by mathyld ▲under the pyramids▲ on July 21, 2010 at 2:59 am. Reply #

Those plaits!
As god as my witness, I will have those plaits (or a similar facsimile thereof) but Autumn’s end…I am so close now…hair almost to my tailbone! I think I am going to end up one of those 70 year old women with a wild, tangled halo of snow white hair down to there, and I am totally ok with that.
Ah! The kitty toy is cute & a hoot. Up til now I thought my new feline friend was the silent type, but it turns out she is a little squeakers and sounds just like your handsome feller here.

by mlle ghoul on July 21, 2010 at 4:38 am. Reply #

I believe the sphinx is from The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s House of the Temple, in D.C.
Built in 1915, so it would have been pretty new when that photo was taken, and they’re still there!

by Karen on July 21, 2010 at 5:32 am. Reply #

squeeeeee! i love how at the end of your video you make the kitteh squeak teeny tiny mews. mewh mmmhew mehw!
egads! the braids and that headdress….i just purchased a big lot of ostrich plumes for custom wedding headbands and they are the biggest feathers i’ve ever laid eyes on. i wish they were all for ME!

by katinka on July 21, 2010 at 9:50 am. Reply #


by lau on July 21, 2010 at 11:35 am. Reply #

I’ve heard that the Sphinx in Egypt sits directly across from a Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds! I’ve also heard they were going to build a Wal-Mart near the historic Mayan Ruins, but maybe this was just rumour.

by Lia on July 26, 2010 at 11:30 am. Reply #

Dear Karen,
A very belated thank you for sourcing the location of the Sphinx!
A crown of silver stars on your head for such sleuthing!

by Angeliska on August 3, 2010 at 12:38 pm. Reply #

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