
by angeliska on February 25, 2010

A very strange thing happened yesterday. Well, strange for Texas –
because after a weekend of blissful balminess and riding bicycles
in the sunshine and shortsleeves, it snowed! All day, big fat fluffy
flakes fluttered down. It was magical, and bizarre. I didn’t believe
the predictions, to be honest. Imagine my amazement to discover
a winter wonderland swathing our garden in a blanket of white!

Poor frozen disco ball! I bought it for 3 dollars at a garage sale.
It’s a big one, and has lost most of the mirrors and has been
repaired with duct tape (?) and silver glitter. Pathetic, really.

Wee effalent wishing for a wooly mammoth coat.

Princess Grrizelda frolicking in her first snowfall!

Our back garden dusted in powdered sugar. I know that this is commonplace
for any of you living up north, but we Texans are like little children when it
snows. We like to marvel at it and take lots of pictures, because many of us
have only ever seen it a handful of times. I stared out the window all day,
hypnotized by the flurries. White bees and icy crystals. Heavenly.

The kale and arugula got sugared, but they should be fine.

Mister frog and his pansy cohorts were not so pleased. Shivering and crumpled!

These johnny-jump-ups did just that — popping up incongruously in the
tomato bed. I hope they emerge unscathed as well – we desperately need
a bit of color outside! I am so tired of this cold and drear. Springtime, ahoy!

The irises seem to think it’s time, too. Cross your fingers for the last of winter!
See also:
Snow Maidens


I must say, I am with Mister Frog. Not pleased. At all. I am living in central Indiana where it just won’t freaking stop. : (

by Ash on February 25, 2010 at 9:10 am. Reply #

i love to watch the animals gallop around in it, alwayas a treat.

by J.a.g. on February 25, 2010 at 10:12 am. Reply #

I love your garden! Even all snow-chilled, it looks so friendly & welcoming. Good feng Shui, I’d say. đŸ™‚
I share your Spring longing. My daffodils are threatening to bloom – they’re as impatient as I am. The earth doesn’t feel as sleepy anymore, even though everything is still gray & brown tinted. One last March in GA.
Princess Grrizelda looks astonished.

by OdetteO on February 25, 2010 at 10:56 am. Reply #

Oh, how I long for the days when white winter wonders were a novelty. Now it is all drudge and sludge and misery, le sigh. Your chilled spun sugar flowerettes are exquisite…though I hope they tolerate the nippy weather favorably well!
I have been immersing myself in the hothouse madameworks of Margriet Smulders to banish the melancholy; really beautiful stuff!

by mlle ghoul on February 25, 2010 at 12:17 pm. Reply #

Dear Mlle. G –
Margriet Smulders is KILLING me! Thank you, thank you for bringing her to my attention. I am only just now getting a chance to look at the link you posted.
Divine. You are a treasure trove, my dear! Tausend danke. xoxo – A.

by Angeliska on March 6, 2010 at 10:02 am. Reply #

Ooops, meant to give a link with that!
Et voila :

by mlle ghoul on February 25, 2010 at 12:19 pm. Reply #

Your garden looks so peaceful in the snow.

by SimpleSue on February 25, 2010 at 8:32 pm. Reply #

There is something magical about that frozen disco ball. Is that weird?
Lovely blog!

by Luana on February 26, 2010 at 7:46 am. Reply #

did i spot the infamous pierre pre$$ure in that vid @ 4:39?

by Justin on February 26, 2010 at 4:50 pm. Reply #

Dear Justin,
Yes, that is indeed Mister Pierre!

by Angeliska on March 6, 2010 at 9:55 am. Reply #

Mister Frog! Is making my day. Hahaha. He does look so very disgruntled!
And, look! Our little disco ball! I think some snow is just what she needed. It’s like it restored her original beauty. (Not that the duct tape doesn’t already add a LOT of character).

by Tolly on March 1, 2010 at 11:15 pm. Reply #

Holy shit, I haven’t seen Pierre since the very early 00’s. Bless his multiple nipples.

by Justin on March 9, 2010 at 11:59 am. Reply #

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