Disko Duets

by angeliska on June 15, 2009

Normally I don’t end up posting the Gadjo Disko photos here until
just before the next one, for various reasons (mainly laziness!)
but it was such a fabulous night, I just couldn’t wait until then!

This ensemble was my favorite so far- even though I destroyed that lacy
chemise, and that rubber corset mutilated my solar plexus!
It was exciting being a blonde for a night, and the antlered crown
that Miss Annie Alonzi created for my birthday was so comfortable
to wear and dance in all night- I didn’t even poke anyone’s eye out!
I sewed a bustle and skirt just hours before the party, and everything
came out perfectly- I was so pleased! Oh yes, so hopefully no one here
is offended by boobies- and if you are, well- you’re probably in the wrong
part of the forest! It’s actually legal for ladies in Austin, Texas to go entirely
topless, if they choose to. We saw lots of biker ladies with their tatas out,
flying in the breeze during the weekend’s biker rally! I think it’s great.

Speaking of, The Brass Ovaries performed a pretty mind-blowing act for us!
Above is Miss Austin Lee (aka. Thunderpuss) performing some gravity-defying dancing,
she’s really quite amazing! For anyone that might write pole-dancing off
as cunning stunts for bored strippers, I will point you to this snippet,
from the headmistress of the Brass Ovaries, Miss Natasha:
(who performed in drag with moustache und cojones y ding-dong
in tighty-whities, oh my! Wish I had me some decent photos of that!)

“Pole dancing came to modern fame through 1950s burlesque clubs
and today in gentlemen’s clubs but the dance evolved from yoga
performed on a wooden pole and on rope. Known as Mallakhamb,
it is a competitive sport in India where gymnasts perform
feats and poses while hanging from a pole or rope.”

Ah, Mlle. Alisan in her pavonine splendor! So happy this lady is my neighbor now!
She is a sculptor who tells me funny stories about living in France + Japan..
We went and jumped in the springs today and drank fancy juice and it was such bliss!
We were so sore from dancing, but the healing waters cured us- it’s really quite miraculous.

Some of my favorite portraits I’ve taken at Gadjo Disko are couples, or pairs.
Lots of people end up falling in love, or hooking up- and some have even conceived
because of the good-lovin’ vibe at the Disko! It’s a fact- meet Colette!
Something about the interactions captured really charms me, particularly
these ladies, Mattie + Penny (formerly Pattie, no really!) Clubb.
They are twins, obviously- and both are really awesome,
as you can see, from their fabulous outfits!

Amelia + Guilherme are really the most adorable couple I’ve seen in awhile!
It makes me happy just to be around them. Look at those smiles- swoon!

Frannie + Jonny, oh my goodness! This picture makes me laugh with glee!
The vaudeville belly-dancer belle found Charlie Chaplin and they fell in love- true story.

Jeffie + Sarahfina- ain’t it grand when your favorite people find each other?

Jakob + Aaron = friends with a capacity for insane genius.

The King of the Dancefloor + Mack = I’m actually out of words to explain how much I love this.

This is Sienna + I, at 5am en route to sustenance. When you engage in a truck photoshoot,
you must wear safety glasses, and carry a devil’s claw for good luck! I know the mojo worked,
because I find myself surrounded by such astoundingly wonderful friends!
¡Las muchachas borrachas son muy afortunadas!
More GADJO DISKO photos can be seen on my flickr!


You and your friends look amazing! Your crown/headdress is super. I wore full antlers last year for my Halloween costume, a Woodland Fairy. It had gold leaves, crystal berries, flowers, feathers, & deer horns – and it was insanely heavy. It had to be ripped off my head later so I could get funky & dance. >;)
GADJO DISKO (love that!) – looks like a fantastic bohemian blend of people and just the sort of thing we’re lacking in Dallas.

by Misha/DawaiOser on June 16, 2009 at 4:38 am. Reply #


by Scott Revo on June 16, 2009 at 9:57 am. Reply #

i <3 mack’s psychedelic ghillie suit so much

by whelky tartar on June 16, 2009 at 1:27 pm. Reply #

For the realz. Boobs need to get out in public more often. I for one am doing my part by feeding the fabulous Colette anywhere and everywhere in public (yes, we really did conceive her after a night of GD).
In fact, as soon as she’s able to go more than a few hours sans teat, I’ma get mah DAY-UNCE on at le disqo!
And, o hai, Scott Revo? You are teh hilariteez!

by Nicole on June 16, 2009 at 9:39 pm. Reply #

I love you, Miss Angel! Your ability to capture and articulate your experiences is truly an amazing talent! You are a creatrix I adore and thank you for spreading your good juju everywhere you go.

by Sienna O'Banion on June 16, 2009 at 10:36 pm. Reply #

beauties, all! i wish there was a night that could be this wonderful here in montréal. or that i could transport myself to gadjo disko!

by annie on June 17, 2009 at 7:42 pm. Reply #

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