Disko Disko!

by angeliska on June 12, 2009

It’s time for GADJO DISKO, babies!
I’m going to be up late tonight, working on my ensemble-
I’ve got to construct a skirt, since I couldn’t find a suitable one
anywhere- though I did experience a veritable shoe miracle!
I’ll relate the tale in full later- but for now, here’s a few of my favorite
images from the last disko, back in March:

I remember my mother painting details in her intricate collages with touches
of fluorescent tempera paint. She was incorporating bits of her psychedelic youth
in with lonesome cowboys, swirling supernovas, cactus flowers and lost highways.
I loved those colors, and swiped them to paint with every chance I got.
Imagine my delight when I discovered Kryolan’s UV reactive makeup!
It’s amazing to play with- I’ll definitely be experimenting with it more..

My beloved Faith Delphi! She is the cutest elf. She comes from the land
of wet trees and pyramids. She sings songs about her doppelgangers.

Seeing Golem play was so fantastic- I love them.
The singer, Annette, was very pregnant, and belting out songs wearing a sassy red dress.
I don’t know how she managed to play accordion-
but that baby’s going to be a good dancer, I can tell you that much!
They played my favorite Serbian folk dancing song,
which made my night- it’s the most fun ever.

Miss Adrienne, making a marvelous spectacle with the Minor Mishap Marching Band!

Alix Hawtpantz! Watch out for flying arrows! His hotpants say
“Lookin’ Cute – Feelin’ Cute” Yes, indeed- he is so beautiful
that everyone just stopped dancing and gazed! I love him.
Alright. Back to my trusty little singer featherweight machine,
heaps of ruffles and tulle, and too much green tea.
Hope your weekend is lovely- see you on the other side of the disko!

One comment

i love kryolan’s uv colors! i wear mine as a base for my limecrime shadows when i want a really super bright look. your’s looks great!

by savvymercury on June 13, 2009 at 10:26 am. Reply #

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