by angeliska on March 30, 2009

Oh yes, so- SXSW roared up in a flurry of flashbulbs
and new friends from all over the place! There was just
SO MUCH to see and do! Try as you might, you really have
to just pick and choose and then let serendipity take care
of the rest. Highlights for me included seeing Vetiver,
Exene Cervenka and Shearwater who all put on great shows..
Larkin Grimm’s show however, was really the best thing I saw
the entire week. If you are presented with the opportunity to see her,
do it. She will blow your mind. Let’s just say- I cried, I laughed,
I learned about spirit animal orgasms and trans-dimensional soul travel!
I had the pleasure of meeting her and her lovely band, and making them
lunch! I’ll be interviewing her soon for Coilhouse, so keep an eye out!
I also interviewed Au Revoir Simone in a beautiful garden- such a treat,
those girls are so sweet! I’ve been listening to their new album non-stop.
I did a photoshoot with Chad and Tracy of St. Mary’s for their upcoming
album in and around Grackle Gardens (aka. our humble abode) which
was great fun! They are the cutest and the sweetest, and they make the
most gorgeous music. I am now the proud wearer of one of those adorable
witch-hat fascinators as well! I will have to model it soonly..

These witches are photogenic! You wouldn’t guess it from their serious
black magic demeanor, but we were all giggling and cackling and cutting up
so much that I have hundreds of hilarious shots of total ham! Hee!

Miss Amelia had a brilliant plan- she discovered the magic swanboats that float
on Ladybird Lake! I’ve decided that swanboating is really my preferred method
of transportation/exercise. They are operating by foot pedals, leaving your hands
free for all manner of other activities! Truly perfect.

(photo by Gala Darling)
How divine it was to finally be acquainted with Miss Gala Darling,
who is utterly delightful (and an excellent swan-copilot!)
She is made of strawberry sugar and sequins and stars!

Doesn’t this just look like the most wonderful way to while away an afternoon?
That’s Mlle. Lau looking completely serene in the giant swan-
It was fabulous to meet her as well- and I love that we live in the same city!
Also, Zoetica Ebb and I met over a mountain of guacamole-
which is really the ideal circumstances to make anyone’s acquaintance!
So many amazing women- how lucky I am to be constantly surrounded
by such strong, sweet, fancy and clever ladies (and gentlemen!)
I feel like I encounter a new one just about every day-
and it’s an incredible whirlwind to twirl in, I must say. Hot damn!


beautiful! and it looks warm 🙂

by alita on March 31, 2009 at 2:00 am. Reply #

What lovely photos! I’m stalking you from your FB. Grackle Gardens sounds tremendous and I love the bright colors in the photo Gala took. I am so happy to have finally made your acquaintance, as well. Yay for Love and Death Feed The Flowers and our remarkable and talented shared friends! Remember that for every amazing woman you meet on a daily basis, they are meeting one soul doubly amazing in you.
xxoo Annabella (the other NOLA girl) MUAH!

by Annabella on March 31, 2009 at 7:46 am. Reply #

I WANT a swan boat!! You are all very lovely, with parasols and pink hair. It looks too too divine and wonderful!
After almost two years of talking about it, I finally started a LiveJournal site. I hope its OK that I added you as one of my friends … its been over a year since I last commented on your site, but I have continued to enjoy your beautiful posts!!

by Susanne Lynette on April 1, 2009 at 11:49 am. Reply #

Oh my God, Missy !
YOU are the genius behind these amazing St Mary shots ? They are pure hotness !!!
And this must be cliché (but I only tell it when I really believe it) : you are freakin’ pretty !
I’m glad I came across your blog 🙂
x x x

by Mathyld / encore petite on April 15, 2009 at 11:52 am. Reply #

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