Black Magic + Disko

by angeliska on September 17, 2008

The recent full moon and sudden turn
in the weather has made everything
extra witchy and strange..
I’m burning xoxoa incense
I found in Barcelona
(that inexplicably survived
the hurricane three years ago..)

and listening to Tones on Tail
and wearing feathers in my ears.
Everything is strange lately.
Here is something that makes me
forget about all of that- this little girl,
Silvia Moreno of Sevilla just 5 years old…

I am obsessed with flamenco-
and the passion that goes into the dance-
it can take a lifetime to master that kind of
fully present and potent awareness.
So I am beyond blown away to see this
bitty child tener duende..
“So, then, the duende is a force not a labour, a struggle not a thought.
I heard an old maestro of the guitar say:
‘The duende is not in the throat:
the duende surges up, inside, from the soles of the feet.’

Meaning, it’s not a question of skill,
but of a style that’s truly alive: meaning,
it’s in the veins: meaning,
it’s of the most ancient culture of immediate creation.
Everything that has black sounds in it, has duende.
This ‘mysterious force that everyone feels
and no philosopher has explained’
in sum, the spirit of the earth,
the same duende that scorched Nietzsche’s heart
as he searched for its outer form
on the Rialto Bridge and in Bizet’s music,
without finding it-
“All the arts are capable of duende,
but where it naturally creates most space,
as in music, dance and spoken poetry,
the living flesh is needed to interpret them,
since they have forms that are born and die,
perpetually, and raise their contours
above the precise present.”
– Federico García Lorca, Theory and Play of the Duende

Here’s a few good ones from the last:


DJ Chicken Kiev




Francesca my darling who is going to be here so soon!


oh look. i’m the first to comment in the new newness.
i love you so much and could not do all this without you. thank you.
& i wish i was coming to ze disko.

by verhext on September 17, 2008 at 9:18 pm. Reply #

strange, indeed. + the moon tonight?
and last night i dreamed of a peacock from the 1940s, and hawks circling overhead. i dreamed of a dog who was to be mine. i dreamed of a cobbler in an olde shoppe in a sooty alleyway who let me try on the tap shoes but only one fit, so i had to do a one-footed tap dance.

by charity on September 17, 2008 at 10:15 pm. Reply #

one of these days i will come to gadjo disko! damnit! its always on nights that i am at work.
and hopefully cawfee soon? i’ve added your page to my rss feed and got your email. i’m just going to call you, even though i am a shy and retarded girl. love for you!

by lau on October 5, 2008 at 1:29 pm. Reply #

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