Birthday Blue

by angeliska on January 9, 2007

Tomorrow, January the 10th
is my birthday. I was born at 11:11 am.
Through this week of sadness and shock,
I have been dreadfully ill, with some virulent
strain or flux- a malaise that’s left me feeling
mighty puny and plagued by pernicious
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
or so the nursery rhyme goes..
As my whelping day falls once again
upon a Wednesday, we shall celebrate
officially on Saturday (invitation below!)
Henceforth, I shall be devoting my
meagre energies only to cheer..

You are cordially invited to a…
Garden Party and Potluck Picnic
to celebrate the anniversary of my whelping!

Croquet, Cards and other Diversions Provided
Fancy Dress and/or Outlandish Attire is Deeply Desired
Saturday, January 13th – 2007
2:00pm until sundown or beyond..
At Mayfield Park
in the Peacock Pavilion
near the lily-ponds
3505 West 35th St.
(next to Austin Museum of Art
and Laguna Gloria)
Please consider bringing any or all
of the following:
your favorite picnic fare
or libations
your favorite teacup
rump cushion
musical instrument
storybook to be read aloud
one-act play
or doll-friend
parasol or umbrella
(as it may rain, or shine- depending)
good humor

In the event of rain, we shall get wet!

In the interest of promoting a bit of happiness in dark days,
here are my darlings Sarahfina and her daughter Pearl,
perched like birds in an alley, somewhere in Costa Rica.

Pearly sent me this wonderful picture that she drew-
I feel like this mouse-bear-kinkajou
wishing hopefully for a coronet
and laughter and glee and frolics..

Around Thanksgiving, we had a wee picnic
at Mayfield Park- which is a wonderful place
populated with resplendent peafowl.

It’s hard not to take a million pictures of them,
they are so stunning. I was want to eat those blues,
emeralds, golden threads..

This is my friend Bridgette. She is marvelous.
Her eyes are always changing colors.
She makes crocheted narwhals and felt cloche hats.

It was a lovely afternoon indeed..

I’ve known Sarahfina since I was 14 or so, or since we were wee tadpoles
hiding in marzipan eggs at the end of time. She is so amazingly beautiful.
When she visited, she sang songs for me- her voice is like a silver bell.

Peahens are strangely beautiful also.

Goodnight, peacock.

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