by angeliska on March 8, 2006

With no sleep to speak of, the feathers fluttering,
the sun ablazing, the glitter geysers soaring we
hobbled and sashayed our rag-tag entourage
across the tracks and to down Ye Olde Friendly Bar
to meet up with the Krewe of Saint Anne..

Ilya and Nina on Mardi Gras Mornin’

Ddddaberto as a sweet drowned sailor, a la Pierre et Gilles Marins et Mer

Bella Melinda

Headpiece and phoenix-beak were
lovingly created from copper by my sweetheart!

Bling to blind your eyes..

Jeanne D’arc, Maid of Orleans

Her monumental counterpart..

Le Sacre Coeur de Nouvelle Orleans

Catholic Icons Galore!

Lovely Veronica. This girl always blows my mind.
Her carousel actually spins around, lights up, and plays music!

I loved this mask so much I licked the snoot of it. Really. I did.

Nina Carolina and her effervescent innards.

Salty Walty and the Mardi Boys
(Misha the faun and Jesse with the mathematical face)

A radiant babydoll, the Empress Mrs. Antoinette K-Doe (and friend)

Mardi Gras Indians suits at the Backstreet Cultural Museum

So pretty!

On the way home..

Goodnight Wild Magnolias…
Oh, and also…
Incriminating Ash Wednesday evidence from
Saint Anne peek-tures from

One comment

[…] The first Mardi Gras after the storm, we came back – to dance and revel and reconnect in the streets we loved. I dressed as a phoenix in crimson and copper, rising from the ashes. It was a perfect day, and I saw so much joy on the faces of the friends I loved, faces I hadn’t seen since before the hurricane. It was a reunion, a homecoming. We ignored the judgments of the foolish pundits on the news who said that there should be no Mardi Gras that year. That to sing and dance and laugh in sequins and masks would be frivolous, disrespectful. How dare we be anything but beaten down? If New Orleans taught me anything (and she has taught me lots), it’s that in the face of death we must sing and dance. It’s all we have. Everything can be lost – it will all go away. What endures is love. The hokey-pokey is, in fact, what it’s all about. […]

by Reverse Phoenix – Hurricane Katrina, 10 Years Later « Angeliska Gazette on August 29, 2015 at 1:38 pm. Reply #

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