Come one, come all..

by angeliska on January 8, 2006


Ta Da!
You are invited to my Birthday Party!
3:00 pm at Jason F. Austin’s
own personal wonderland!
It’s a Potluck Picnic-
so please bring your favorite
comestibles and libations.

Featuring the excitement of:
Big Giant Boat!
Mudwrestling Pit!
Flaming Fiery Fire!
Tea Time!
Dance Party!
Musical Chairs!
Devilled Eggs!
Effigy Smash!

Please dress as a:
Frilly Princess
Dirty ol’ Pirate
Creature from the Center of the Earth
(these have giant drills attached to
their foreheads..)
Dead Person
Any Animal or
(if you are going to mudwrestle only!)
Or a combination
of any of the above.

Directions from Guadalupe:
Head N. on Guadalupe
Go way, way, way up
past 45th, 55th, etc.
You will come to a street
called St. Johns.
Turn right on St. Johns
Then take a left on Northcrest.
Cross 183 (under)
At the first stopsign
take a right.
There is no streetsign to tell you,
but this is Wonsley.
Wonsley is the secret brother
of Wednesday and Pugsley.
Bet you never knew that.
The house is 502 Wonsley
It is after-dinner mint green coloured.
Go into the backyard.

Directions from I-35:
Head N. on I-35
Exit St. Johns
Go through light
183 to Gessner (1st right)
Head right onto Wonsley.
Wonsley is the secret brother
of Wednesday and Pugsley.
You might know that by now.
The house is 502 Wonsley
It is after-dinner mint green coloured.
Go into the backyard
and give me a kiss!


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