What can you do?

by angeliska on September 1, 2005

Thank you all for your kind wishes and thoughts,
and offers of help and lodgings- I’m still in Houston
for another day or so, until I can get to Austin
where I have numerous people who will put me up.
I will probably be staying with my Grandfather,
possibly permanently. I don’t know what there will
be to go back to, in terms of the city we loved,
and a means of survival and shattered community.
I heard today that my house looked relatively intact:
Trees down, balcony railing torn off, roof probably
quite damaged, but the windows looked amazingly
unbroken. All the same, who can say what will
become of it in the next few months until we can
get back there- best case scenario is that everything
will stay dry enough not to be covered in a thick
pelt of mold. O my library. O my paper ephemera.
O my whole world, my archives, my prodigious collections..
O well.
The reality of the situation is that I am so fucking lucky.
I’m alive. I have incredible friends and family
who are alive, and who are willing to help me out.
I am not drowned.
I am not thirsty, hungry, hot,
poisoned, ill, injured, poor.
The thousands who are right now need help,
and they are not getting it- they are being ignored.
If you want to help- help them.
Don’t take me in- take in a family that has nowhere else to go:
Hurricane Housing Aid
or here’s a list of legitimate organizations
accepting donations:
Addresses and locations for aid

I’ve been working all day to compile an accurate list
of the NOLA refugees lost and found-
There are many forums for this popping up,
I’m these two, primarily
Any information on those still missing
would be greatly appreciated..

(compiled from a variety of
concerned souces- hence the disjointedness..)

John and Anne Burr
Mac Taylor – last seen in NOLA on Monday
Vanessa King
Lisa Donovan and Jake
Kevin and David
Jimmy Cousins
Peter Nu
Speck and Raz
John Guidry and his elderly mother
Deb’s boyfriend Jurgen (who was seemingly on a ship in the gulf at the time.)
Sissy and Ikea
Eric Wilkerson
Canadian Shaun
Rene Bierre
John Calhoun
Effie Michout (although she may have not been in town)
David Park
Jordan Blanton
Robb Romershauser
Andy Antippas
Daniel Hammer
Jennifer Schumaker
Princess Ramona
Juan Martinez

Okra P. Dingle
Miss Jane Lennon (Pierre Pressure’s mama)
Ali (owner of Flora Cafe)
Sid Snow
Victor Stimson
Jeff Mattson
Jeremy Bronner – okay, looking for a way out.
Michele Baker and Eric – okay
Lefty Parker – Someone says they heard Lefty (Circle Bar) being interviewed on WCBS radio this morning….
Jay Pogee – stayed at his house

NOTES: emily h saw victor riding his bike (?) around uptown during her hike/swim from the Hilton to her home uptown.
she said he’s ok, but that she didn’t know where he was going or what his plans were. it’s good to know he’s ok… and buoyant. – ak

Kevin and Colleen were going to hold down the fort at Z’otz and haven’t been heard from.

MK is stuck in an apartment in Metairie with 30
people, sending out a plea for help. One person is
diabetic, and needs help quickly. they are at 3512 n.
Arnoult rd. apt. # 205, if anyone can get them help.

Doc Otis – seen on FOX news yesterday riding a bicycle on Canal Street
Alison from France St. is OK
Jeremy Bronner is in NOLA, and looking for a way out.
Scully is ok
Christy is also ok.

Saelok and Zwaznu – headed to Tulsa
Raven Hinojosa – Houston, TX (en route to Chicago)
Jayme Kalal – Houston, TX (en route to Chicago)
Lorelei + Chris – Houston, TX
Mack Henson – Granbury, Texas
Roberto – Granbury, Texas
Chesley Allen – Granbury, Texas
Sarah King – Granbury, Texas
Jonathan Elliot – Granbury, Texas
Myrtle Von Damitz – Granbury, Texas
Moose and Georgia – Georgia
Ratty Scurvics and Mo Lappin – Austin
Stumpz the Clown – on the west coast.
Ed and Rose – in Arizona.
Quintron and Panacea – in VA
Julien and Elizabeth – in Arkansas
Misha – with John Gerkin and Patrick somewhere up country safe,
Tallulah Elvis – with Big Josh Gass and okay in Virginia.
Jason Toupsi and Flynn DeMarco – in Cummings, Georgia
Amzie – Lafayette
Drew – Asheville
Bailey and Emily – Lafayette
Robert Starnes (et. al) – Memphis
John Henry + Heather – Memphis
Alison Bauserman and Martha Woods – At a Motel 6, elsewhere
Jay Pennington
Olivia Klein
little Paulie Lingerfeldt – Tampa, FL
little Andy Raney- Jasper, TX
Angie and John Raney – Jasper, TX
Angela Roberts – Houston, TX
Billy Schultz – Asheville
Pandora Gastelum – Asheville
Doc Boyle
Jeri Cain Rossi
Nina Nichols – Asheville
Nathan Cy-Clyde – Asheville
Thomas Little – Asheville
Deb and her Mom – Austin, TX
Dan and Kelly Dann – Austin, TX
Brian and Carrin Welch – Austin, TX
Jenn and Andy – Austin, TX
Ryan Rossi and Claire – Austin, TX
Miss Led (Sherry) and Feron – Austin, TX
Lauren Dinkler
Laura and Eric from clouet st
Nate Tabor and his mom
Ammi Keller (Ammi Emergency)
joel brotherton and casey (asheville)
jon lutz, rosanna, and reynaldo
ben schenck and ama rogan
drew and matt himes

mitchell powers, liberty eggink and hansford dove

Nowe Miasto kids, John Gerken, brice white, shana griffin, matt knowles, thea
patterson, misha heil, karly, cassandra, luette, patrick farrel, are at andy
allen’s parents house in southwestern LA (Baton Rouge?) (verified by email from
John Gerken);

Emilyn Nelson, who used to work at Flora, got out (via her sister Elissa);

Abram Himmelstein from New Mouth from the Dirty South and his wife Shana are in
Houston (via Jamie Schweser);

Wendy Subzero Permafrost is in Berlin and her folks got out to Arkansas (via
email from Wendy herself);

Scotty Heron (ex-Circus Amok; lived on St. Roche) is safe somewhere else in a
van (via Ben Meyers);

Paul Gailiunas and Helen Hill got out to North Carolina with their 10-month-old
son Francis Pop and their pig Rosie (via Yoni);

Don (sometimes plays with Panorama) is in NYC, and Effie is in Portland, OR –
I’m trying to get more specific info on both of these people (via Matt

JR Hankinfrom Panorama is in NYC

andy neubauer and kristen myers- (memphis)
dan beckman was in mpls
amy moon and rose’s mom
rose and jimmy cousins
michelle and brother clit were both in st. louis visiting families
mayaba leibenthal and caleb (western louisiana)
shanna owen, laura, chet, and kids went to central louisiana
erin belle (asheville)
andy and isabel
pea jay was in s.f.
lorraine monseau
Tanya solomon
dan nelson
hope amico (chattanooga)
vi landry (went to texas, now in nyc)
Shelley Jackson (aka, shelley chainbreaker)
[above list confirmed safe by John Gerken]

Kyle Bravo, Jenny LeBlanc, “almost everyone” from Nowe Miasto (Andy Allen,
Cassandra, Brice White, and Shaena), Bryan Funck, Kate (from the Iron Rail)
and her partner, Abram Himelstein, Shana Sassoon, Brice White, Shana
Griffin, Rachel Breunlin, Dan (? Rachel’s fiance), Eve Troeh, Darin
[above list confirmed okay by hotironpress]

Erin Benson and her boyfriend (via email from Erin)

Ada (formerly of Extra Action Marching Band) is safe on a family farm. (verified
by phone through Ena via Lily Rose Love)

Aura [Fist?] was in the superdome, probably now in Houston. (via Patrick (Pierre
Pressure’s dad), via Lily Rose Love)

I believe that Pierre Pressure and some of circus mutante are at burning man,
but have not verified that. (via Lily Rose Love)

Additionally, here’s some links to more information:
(Thanks to everyone I nabbed these from or linked to..)
A Collection of Newspaper Front Pages – just something to take in..

Guess who FEMA is directing Katrina relief donations to?

The Weather Channel Has The Answers! – thanks

Looka – The Gumbo Pages


[…] What can you do? […]

by Angeliska Gazette › Hurricane Katrina: Four Years Later on August 29, 2009 at 4:40 pm. Reply #

[…] ✸ What can you do? […]

by 6 Years On – Fragments + Wet Feathers « Angeliska Gazette on August 9, 2015 at 3:17 pm. Reply #

[…] ✸ What can you do? […]

by Reverse Phoenix – Hurricane Katrina, 10 Years Later « Angeliska Gazette on August 30, 2015 at 11:01 am. Reply #

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