
by angeliska on June 21, 2005

I am fevered and fainéant,
my skin is covered in blue flames.
I walk in between sheets of dark water,
and metallic waves of afternoon heat.
My hands are stained bloody
with beets and curry, black
with walnut ink and gold leaf.
Morning glory tendrils creep and curl
around the balcony where I drink
clémentine soda at mid-day
and peppermint tea at night.

You never see fireflies in the summer anymore..
The night smells dark green and spicy,
the smell of the large dark shapes
moving between the trees..
The night is filled with shadowed faces
blurred and shimmering between the leaves..
In between pools of streetlight there are
dangerous spaces, men with sharp knives
their eyes white and wide.

Oh, and German speakers- achtung, bitte!
Please, a translation that captures
and dual meaning and is grammatically correct for this:
The Ghost Lovers
It’s for a film title.
I forget even why it has to
be in German in the first place now.
But regardless, I entreat you..

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