by angeliska on February 3, 2004

Yes, it’s true- Dada lives, once again!
We will be meeting to to plot, plan and conspire for the next show
this Wednesday, the 4th at 8pm.
The meeting will be held at Z’otz Coffeehouse (2003 Royal St.)
Cabaret Revoltaire is an experimental surrealist extravaganza,
an interactive Art Opening and Chaos-Salon featuring static art,
visual and performance art, experimental music and installation,
pranks, invisible theater, inexplicable fashion, participatory painting,
and interactive surreality of all sorts. Come not as you are, but as you dream.
Inspired by the Dada and Surrealist movements,
our goals are to revive and expand on the good work of our forebears-
to achieve consciousness expansion, collective mind-fucking,
collaborative art, interactive (rather than passive) social experiments,
orgone stimulation, random acts of madness, et cetera, ad nauseam..
We are planning a revival of these events that took place
a year ago for seven months running on lower Decatur.
The new locale will be Cleopatra’s Old Alamo on North Rampart.
The date for the first show will be Saturday, March 27th.
This is an open call to artists, musicians, performers, pranksters,
puppeteers, shy geniuses, sideshow freaks, dissolute writers,
starving artists, loose women, pickpockets, malcontents,
dissidents, doctors and nurses, psychotic bureaucrats, circus girls,
talking dolls, voodoo spirits, blessed mothers of jesus,
harbingers of war and destruction, red creatures, mechanical ballerinas,
robots, serial killers, curators, dead poets, dancing bugs,
wide-eyed photographers, monsters, heavenly creatures,
drunken rabbits, or experimental post-humans out there
looking for an open forum for creating an experimental
artist/performer/literary collective.
Add YOURSELF to this strange mélange, and you have…DADA!
NOTICE: Dress to Transgress – Come as you aren’t.
Updates, information, questions and propaganda will be posted to:
I reccomend that if you have an interest in participating in this event
you hie yourself there toute suite, and join.
Check regularly for further instruction and transmissions.

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