Good Evening and Welcome to The Victorian Taxidermy Company Limited.

by angeliska on February 18, 2004

This is a picture of my father, (not taxidermy)
my pop, my dear old dad in his heyday.
It was one I had never seen before,
and has now become my favorite photograph of him.
He was playing music at
some sort of Dickensian Hootenanny.
I have reason to believe that he was under
the influence of hallucinogens
when this picture was taken.
If you look closely, you can see that
the word “REVELRY” is printed on his hand.
That banjo is his “Whyte Ladie”
and he still plays it all the time.
She’s a pretty one.
I need to get him to send me my banjo soon.
Then I can sit on the balcony and serenade
the dogs and people waiting for the bus.

A most unusual and rare relic from the past-
 an eight legged hermaphrodite piglet!

A very nice ring-tailed lemur

Badger & Polecat Enlarged

Stock Number: 542

An outstanding case by Hutchings of Aberystwyth 1860-1942. Large snarling badger with hackles raised looking down over a rocky ledge at a surprised Polecat in turn with baby Rabbit as prey, amongst much rockwork and cleverly modelled roots. This is undoubtedly one of the finest Badger cases by this highly regarded taxidermy firm, in mint condition having retained its full colour. Priced accordingly.

The word taxidermy comes from the Greek meaning ‘to arrange skin’. This might include leatherwork or the preservation of mummies by the ancient Egyptians, but today the term has come to refer specifically to the arrangement of skins in life like form.

Due to circumstances entirely beyond our control, The Victorian Taxidermy Company Limited is not moving as previously announced to Spicer?s Yard, Leamington Spa. Instead we have set up our show rooms at 19 Gaydon Road, Bishops Itchington. For convenience all of our fish cases have been entered into auction due to a temporary lack of space (see fish section).

One comment

[…] Isn’t my dad dashing? This is from his days of studying zen and fencing at UCLA. Very Errol Flynn! Happy 100th birthday, also to the King of Swashbucklers! […]

by Angeliska Gazette › midsommervise for min far on June 21, 2009 at 3:29 am. Reply #

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