zlata praha

by angeliska on September 5, 2003

good mornink little yickens!
yes, i have arrived safe and sound on the other side of the atlantic-
three flights later, far too many hours of travel and those verdamme irascible dutch stewardesses not withstanding..you could have both your arms hacked off at the shoulder and they wouldn’t blink at you. at least we were upgraded to the comparative luxury of business class klm on the way to prague, and these dutch ladies were full of smiles and i got to practice my dutch the whole way there..
An entrance, of sorts. through many crowded passages pushed
and at last found our way here to fairytale land, full of grimm’s trees,
firs and weeping willows..
i’m switched, waking every day at 7am and eyelids getting heavy around 10pm..how extremely odd, that. it’s damn cold, and i need a scarf. so far, what? saint vitus and the marvelous mucha window- i could have stood in front of it for a lifetime, staring in wonder..i couldn’t find saint adalbert’s tonuge hidden ANYWHERE, though when i die, you can just stick me in with saint neponuk- he’s got the fanciest silver tomb anywhere..marionettes theater and casanova ballerinas, and today to try and find mister svankmajer somewhere..opa ist nappink now, so i must get back to wake him so we can sightsee..i have to find the way to kostnice in sedlec before we go on to wien..the bones will be well worth the journey. give me even more art nouveau, and a real pillow. the one here at axa is like a hand towel wrapped in a sheet. my dreams are filled with young boys, who have flowers for me in their hands and dirty seeds in their mouths. now i must go out into the day, and find what is there..

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