by angeliska on May 10, 2003

Apparently last night, I was talking in my sleep again..
I was told that around 3:30am
I was twisting my hands into claws above my head
and uttered these words:
I haven’t spoken in my sleep (at least not to my knowledge)
in quite a long time..
I still sleep with my eyes open on occasion,
which disturbs anyone who tries to hold a conversation
with me while in these states, believing me to be awake..
In other news, the mysterious ailment(s) I have been
plagued with for about a week now are still causing trouble and alarm.
The neverending banshee-bitch of a headache is the worst of that legion-
hesitantly diagnosed by the professionals as an abnormal migraine
(my first) -but the mastoid node behind my ear is a swollen bony protrusion
and is very painful. A lot of things are painful right now, in fact-
like moving my eyes, or looking at light, or most anything beyond
absolute supinity, which is unbelievably irksome
as there are a million things I’d rather be doing
than laying about in mortal misery.
I am an admitted hypochrondriac and all,
but really, I’ve been all five kinds of sick this week
and I’m beginning to get a little unnerved.
The mastoid node drains infection from the parietal region of the brain.
My brain must be infected.
Someone please come decapitate me.

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