morpho eugenia

by angeliska on March 8, 2003

it had been so long since i had traversed roads untrodden-
a liberating feeling, to break away from the daily pattern;
to and fro, hither and thither and yon..
by bus and bicycle for farther afield,
and how wonderful to be anonymous, and silent
as i knew no one.
i can feel the yen for travel itching in my throat.
i must wander soon and soon,
and as i am officially now a server of sushi
i pray the spot cash money will start rolling in
and restore the piteous state of my financial affairs so that i may..
i wouldn’t be eating anything but 80 cent thai noodle boxes
if it weren’t for my beloved grampapa, who likes to have dinner out..
tonight we dined on shrimp bisque and tchoupick caviar with creme fraiche, how decadent.
(and won’t someone please assist me in being diacritical on this machine?)
i wandered into a horrible petshop today where it stunk like warm death.
all the animals were terribly listless and glazed and the odour was nearly unbearable.
a cage packed to capacity with young iguanas, totally motionless,
until i snapped my fingers- startling them into a mad panic, and me as well..
the only nice thing, a dim-witted dove, a white one- though i prefer the grey ones,
with ringnecks, as they are slightly less dimwitted, or so they seem to me.
one day i shall have a large stained glass dovecote
and in the evening, from the verandah, we can sit and listen to them..
oh, and we received another wonderful parcel today!
the letter enclosed read:
“greetings from iceland
enjoy the little blue ones
love always
mr. shade”
and here is what he sent…
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