lovely gray nothing day-

by angeliska on February 16, 2003

aside from being woken by the raucous hoots of obnoxious healthy people walking some good-cause marathon at eight this morning, and the plaintive yowls of my poor starving cat, who is actually quite rotund, and a vociferous glutton..nay, nay- none of this could rouse me from my slumber on my day off- i slept in until all the madness had past and the room was quiet once more..
and what will today bring?
letters, and books, and wordswordswords..
i shall stay indoors and read and write and paint to my heart’s content..
my stack of reading materials has grown more momentous with the arrival of unexpected packages, and a trip to a closing bookstore..i found many treasures there-
a nice copy of Venus and Tannhauser, an Erotic Tale by Aubrey Beardsley
The Way of the Sacred (the rites and symbols, beliefs and tabus, that men have held in awe and wonder, through the ages -with over 250 illustrations, 32 pages in full color-
by Francis Huxley
two books of case studies on astral projection and such-
The Hidden Channels of the Mind, by Louisa Rhine,
and The Case-book of Astral Projection, 545-746, by Dr. Robert Crookall
a slim volume on russian language, so that i may learn cyrillic and add to my compendium of bits of tongues i can briefly natter in, in hopes of ever becoming, at the very least somewhat conversational, ha.
and the shining jewel- the real find that has utterly captivated me-
POLYPHILO, or The Dark Forest Revisited, an Erotic Epiphany of Architecture
-by Alberto Perez-Gomez
this book is simply incredible and will be quoted at length and random, as it has proved to be an invaluable source for my bibliomancies..i reccomend it highly, do go out and find yourself a copy of it toute-suite, if the subjects of myth, desire, and the architecture of longing hold any interest for is a retelling of the love story from the famous renaissance novel-treatise Hypnerotomachia Poliphili in late twentieth-century terms.
lastly, a parcel from the wild blue yonder arrived from a friend i had lost touch with-
enclosed was a sweet letter, and a wonderful book-
Out of The Loud Hound of Darkness- A Dictionarrative,
by Karen Elizabeth Gordon, Author of The Deluxe Transitive Vampire
which will be entertaining me for many days to come, and also another source for future bibliomancy..
more to come from both of these for those that do not already have them..
this is my heaven:
tea, quiet day with rain, a stack of books, my pens and papers..
i could say i want nothing else, but it might be a lie-
the marzipan i could not afford, the marble-white skin like the insides of almonds
pristine, tinged with pink- let my mind not linger too long on these things and
i will be content with what i have,
my sealing wax and watercolors,
the last of my winter days

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