by angeliska on January 26, 2003

today, slow and silver..the rain snakes over
the glass in mercury rivulets,
and fogs the street below with nacreous mist-
the branches are made of bright metal,
the day flows past me like a river.
feverish and frantic, a fearful malaise
has settled upon my brow, hopefully to
be vanquished with the holy elixir of elixirs,
extract of grapefruit seeds..
luckily, a miraculous tea party swept in,
with meringue mushrooms and strawberry tartelettes,
kousmichoff and cakes, and laughter and books..
i made a hideous granny-cat doll and a new gown for stellamara..
the fortune telling cards turned
the jack of diamonds,
telling me:
“an engagement will be broken because of you”
“you are going to be happier than you dared hope”
good thing
i have too much sense
to take such things seriously.

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