by angeliska on December 4, 2002

tonight i feel like a jumpy nervous child on xmas eve, something’s buzzing in my ear but i can’t guess what..tomorrow is the last ever cabaret revoltaire and i feel plenty of excitement, mirth and glee- and a strange mixture of grief-relief..
nothing got done tonight of course, though i was where i said i’d be..
instead i nibbled on caramel-cream pie and talked with beautiful grisha on the street corner with the cool wind blowing and make tears prickle in my eyelashes..
now i am exhausted but can’t conceive of sleeping..
tomorrow i will be butoh white with white hair and blue teeth.
tomorrow i will sing happy birthday to a stranger
i will weave spiderwebs through the throng
i will paint on walls and sing and bite and howl
and laugh and weep and weep..
death to dada, long live dada..
wish me sweet dreams.

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