isidore's feast

by angeliska on September 23, 2002

still recovering from the lingering illness, but undaunted i ventured out of sickbed-hermit hidey-hole land to see princess pocketmouse in the return of BABY ROSEBUD, the bestest accordion and drum ensemble that ever was! they were incredible- such a good show- the music made me dance and see flashing lights, falling stars, and the slow-moving, inexorable maschines ov war…and before that was the flamenco troupe i have always wanted to see but have never seen before- impassioned they were and marvelous- i do so love flamenco..they inspired the predator passion in stomps through the night, through the corridors ov my mind, and inevitably- goes nowhere- crawls back into the hole from whence it came..
a hurricane (isidore is his name- i like that) is brewing, brewing in the cauldron of the gulf..may vigilant catholics and voodoo mamas and witches’ prayers avert it from our happy home..the storms here are intense, lightning crashing and ominous dark skies..i went out into the rain to have my prescription filled- i must have a root canal tomorrow! yikes! i am scared! i hate having dental work done- especially after my last dentist-induced nightmare..but i will bring swinelet and maybe a blankie to soothe my edgy nerves..i have to take antibiotics first since a have this heart murmur thing..oog..
i went to the grocery store and bought white nectarines, hit cookies, veggie booty (!), pear juice, coconut demitasse tea biscuits, and potato leek soup..i’m all about the comfort thang right many fears are clawing at my brain..lurking ghosts from the past, innattentive lovers, my weird lack of social graces, the blind oblivion of the future, amsterdam looming, decisions- these upcoming shows..egads! i shall put myself to bed and hope to find solace in the pleasures of slumberland..oh, and i got to ride home on a cherry red motorcycle tonight..the highlight of my evening, aside from the lovely wine..

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